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3rd Person POV

"So Olympus planted you there?" Frank asked the boys in front of him, whose names he was told were Aidin and Pax.
"Yes." Pax answered. He tried not to roll his eyes.
Percy, Jason, Annabeth, and Frank stood in front of the nine demigods who had escaped from Khione. Frank was the only person who trusted them.
The small building was almost cramped. The bloodstains on the floor had not gone unnoticed by the nine demigods now standing where Julian had been tied up.
"Look." Aidin stepped forward. "You don't have to trust us. But you have to move. Khione already attacked Camp Half-Blood—"
"Which we don't know if you were apart of or not." Annabeth interjected.
"—and you're next. Once she wipes Camp Jupiter off the map, she'll go straight for Olympus." Aidin finished.
"And how do we know that you're not in on it? That you aren't stabbing us in the back?" Jason asked.
Aidin let out a frustrated sigh. Pax answered. "And if we're not? How many people will die because you didn't do anything?"
      The door flew open and all eyes turned to Hazel, who was panting for breath. Piper appeared behind her, gasping similarly. ""
      Frank glanced at Aidin and Pax one more time before following Piper and Hazel into the camp. Jason, Percy, and Annabeth followed him, leaving the nine demigods behind.
      "What did we need to see?" Jason fell into step beside Piper.
      "That." Piper stopped as the river came into sight.
      The riverbed was dry. A girl with dark hair stood on the bank, the water swirling around her. Facing her was a slim boy with curly black hair. Fire burned around him.
      "That's....." Frank trialed off.
      "It can't be." Percy gasped.
      Jason took a step forward. "Leo."
      The six demigods stood and watched as Leo and the black haired girl faced each other. The fire around Leo seemed to grow as the girl yelled something at him. Likewise, the water swirled more furiously as Leo yelled back.
      Percy took a step to stand next to Jason. "You think...?"
      "Yeah. Come on, hero." Jason grinned at Percy before starting to sprint toward Leo. Percy grinned back as he followed. The rest of Seven were on their heels.
      As they got closer, the wind started to pick up. Percy cast a glance at Jason but he just shook his head. It wasn't his.
      "Please." They heard the girl's voice on the wind. It was directed at Leo. "Help me. I can't lose him."
      Leo shook his head. His eyes lit up as he saw the rest of the Seven heading toward him. "I already told you. I haven't a got a clue what's going on."
      The fire around Leo died as the Seven lined up around him. The girl glanced at each one. As her eyes met Jason's, he noticed they were almost the same color as Jules' eyes. He also noticed the blood stains covering her clothes.
      The water around her started to slip back into the river as her eyes found the ground. Jason noted that the wind died too.
      When the girl looked back up, there was a fire in her eyes. "Then I'll do it myself."
      Percy took a step forward as the girl started to turn around. "Do what? What's your name?"
      The girl turned to face them. Somehow, even in front of the Seven, she seemed to have an air of authority that none of them liked.
      "My name is Jayde Glynn. And I'm going to stop Khione and get my brother back."

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