Now what??

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         After having that lovely conversation with Flowey about how cruel monsters are to humans, I became quite hungry.

"Hey Flowey, you wouldn't happen to know where I can get some food around here?"

He looked a bit hesitant to respond.

"Well, the only food that I can think of around here that doesn't involve going into Toriel's house would be this candy bowl that's farther into the Ruins." 

"Sweet. Lead the way." I reply.

"B-but you need more than just candy to have energy!"

"But you said it's the only 'food' around here, and I am not going in that psychopath's house just for food."

Flowey mumbles something and takes me to the bowl of candy.


Flowey showed me the giant bowl of candy that's technically called 'monster candy' but who cares? It's the only nourishment I have right now!

*You took a piece of candy.

*You took more candy. How disgusting...

*You took another piece. You feel like scum of the earth...

I look at Flowey with my hand still hovering above the bowl.

*You took too much too fast. 

The candy spills onto the floor making me feel even worse about myself. I look back at Flowey.

"Please tell me that there aren't any other sources of food that make me feel like a criminal."

"No, i'm afraid that's the only one in the Ruins." Flowey sighs and rolls his eyes.

I'm starving. There's no way that I'm going to that crazed goat lady Toriel just for food.

"Come on Flowey, there can't be that one option!"

Flowey thinks for a bit as a smile slowly creeps up his face.

"I have an idea but you won't like it." He smiles.

"Tell me."

"If I tell have to do it."

I hesitate and gamble on the risk for a moment.

"Okay lay it down." I gulp nervously.


         I have never felt so dumb in my entire life. Flowey's idea was magnificent! I look like a monster, all I have to do is not smell like a human! All we have to figure to do figure out how to cover the smell. I suggested that I clean myself with water but that would just emphasize the human smell even more.

"There's only one way I can think of that will cover your smell but I don't like that it's super effective." Says Flowey.

"Well sacrifices have to be made if it's super effective." I say jokingly.

"That's the thing, you have to kill a monster in order for this to work."

I pause and process the information I was given.

"Let me get this straight. You're telling me I have to take another life―in order to survive!?!"

"Yes, and seeing that you already have a very powerful weapon for this it won't feel pain." Flowey tries to say comfortingly. 

"... Okay,  let's do this."

         We go farther into the Ruins and eventually run into a 'Froggit' monster. It makes eye contact with me and makes an angry face and sends flies my way. My scythe slices through all the flies including the Froggit. It looks up at me one last time wide eyed and slowly turns to dust. Flowey and I stare at the gray pile of the Forggit's remains for a few minutes to honor the poor thing.

"I guess it really is kill or be killed around here." I say sadly.

"...Yeah...I guess it is..." Flowey says.

A bit more silence follows.

"I'm guessing I have to cover myself with this don't I." 


I look down at Flowey, he's trying his best not to cry and show it. I kneel next to him and try to give him my best hug. I take off my mask and he looks up trying to cover the tears.

"Hey, it's okay to cry." I say soothingly.

Flowey losses it after I say that and let's the tears flow and starts to quietly sob as he hugs my hand.

"How can such a nice human like yourself be so forgiving after doing something like that?" He sobbed.

You didn't want to tell Flowey, but a part of you enjoyed watching that Froggit die but you pretended it was nothing and buried that feeling deep down inside of you.


         After comforting Flowey some more, I spread the dust out and rolled around in. I tried not to make it so apparent that I just rolled in monster remains for Flowey's sake. I was quite dusty though and sneezed a few times. The smell of monster dust was stronger than I imagined but It would have to be something to get used to.

         We walk the rest of the path to Toriel's house silently as some of the monsters occasionally glance at us but otherwise ignore us. It's going to be tough living this new way now, but part of me is glad I can start over. Even if it's not the way I wanted to.

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