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They all stared/glared at each other.

Curious yet cautious.

Intrigued but alerted.

Interested nevertheless vigilanted.

With Uni's knife on Ashlie's neck, Nick's gun pointing at Uni's head, Tommy's claws ready to stab Nick, Jon's borrowed gun aiming at Tommy, Cory's bow facing Jon and Ashlie's fire ball lined up at Cory.

How did this happened, you wonder?



Jon was siting down on the bed.

'That... that was an experience..' He thought.

Who knew as soon as Nick was discovered to be the farm boy, Ashlie and he would get kicked out.

And now, they are staying in an inn just a couple of minutes away from the farm.

The jester looked at the gloves he was wearing. He remember when he got these companied with a note that said,

"Good job Jester!
You're halfway there!
Hint hint: the Fram boy is near!
And the other 3 met up already.
So hurry up buddy! The lands need you all!
-Wat and his team."

Lucky for Jon, the farm boy part was done. But what did the note mean by the other three? The other Shred Heroes? Must be. But what also baffle him was the halfway there part. 'What does that mean?' he wonder.

Of course, he wasn't able to analyze it completely before Justin took the note away.

'That guy was a butt-butt.'

Before Jon concluded his inner monologue on what happened for the past few days, Ashlie came back with some more supplies from the town nearby.

"Honey I'm home!" Ashlie said in a joking tone as she closed the door. The jester chuckled with her as he walked up to her and helped her with the bags.

"So, you wouldn't believe what I got!" She said as she put the bags that she was carrying on the counter.

He guessed with a hummed, "Let Jon guess.. salsa?"

"I bought the salsa yesterday Jon. You know that." The young warrior gave her friend a pointed look as she pulls out couple of supplies out of the bags.

"I found this!"


And out of the bag, a stuffed-bunny with a purple-and-green bow-tie was what Ashlie got for her best friend.

She watched as Jon gasped and grabbed the little stuff-toy. With stars in his eyes and a big smile, the jester hugged her and the toy.

"Thank you so much Atlie!" He said with such joy showed.

The young warrior smiled with a red face and hugged back. She knew how much her best friend loved bunnies and when she saw the little bunny in a booth for sale, she knew she had to buy it.

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