Chapter 28

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"Basically we were looking for Nancy." Dustin said, shrugging.
"What?! Now I have more questions!" Hopper fired back. Jonathan shook his hair out of his face, sighing.

"Okay. Let me explain it to you. Remember when Eleven came back? The demo-dogs outside my house?" Jonathan started. 

Hopper nodded, his hands resting on his hips. He looked unimpressed.

"Yeah well, one of the demo-dogs got into the house, and we put it in the fridge. Pretty stupidly, because those things love the cold. And it came back to life."

Hopper's mouth dropped open. "You've got to be-"

"Hang on. I'm not finished. This thing got out, opened the upside down, grew another-"

"Demo-dog." Dustin intervened.

"-Demo-dog." Jonathan continued, glancing at Dustin. "Grew another demo-dog out of its skin, and it took Nancy and that leads us to now." He finished.

"Wait, but I have a question." Will came forward slowly. "How did you know we'd be in the school?"

Hopper was still staring at Jonathan, wide-eyed. He shrugged at the cop and turned back to pick up his bag from the floor.

"Well? I want to know too." Lucas said, pressing Hopper.

"I had a hunch." He brushed the boys off quickly. Turning back to Jonathan, Hopper narrowed his eyes. "And you thought bringing EVERYONE with you would be a good idea?"

"Hey, I didn't want them to come. They chose to." Jonathan fired back. "Now, I don't know what your plans are, but I'm going to look for Nancy."

Hopper paused. The group looked at him blankly.

"What are you going to do?" A quiet voice asked, moving to stand next to him. Hopper looked down at Eleven.

"I'm going to help." He said reluctantly. Eleven squeezed his hand and followed Jonathan with the others.

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