Prolog: Angel Duties

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Seoho POV

Seoho is standing on a small cloud. Lost in thought he looks down, his light blonde curly fringe falling in front of his blue eyes, on the small world Ayrum.
The world Ayrum is basically just a rock in space but it is flat on one side.
The flat side is the world of the living, while the dead either go to hell, which is a cave inside the rock, or to heaven, which are the thick clouds above Ayrum.
The world of the living is quite diverse it has two big oceans on the left and right side. Their water is softly flowing over the edge of the world and gets lost in space. In the north are mountains. To their foot is a big lively forest with several rivers running through it. Most bigger cities are located in this region. All around the southern edge is a rainforest and in its middle is Ayrums biggest city which is currently under the lead of an evil assassins guild after a war with the rightful rulers of the city. Northern of the rainforest is a big desert. Very few people live there, the only bigger city is in the north where a big river runs through the desert and ends in the ocean.

Seoho thought back to his graduation ceremony and new his duties as a full grown angel when he realises that he is actually late for them.
Angels are neither alive nor dead. They get chosen by god when they are supposed to die if they did a lot of good things in their life. Then they have to pass several tests to graduate and become a full angel who guards the good souls in heaven.

Seoho flies for his life to get to his scheduled 3pm singing. When he gets there all of the other angels are already there and in seconds he is surrounded by senior angels who lecture him about how impotant it is for an angel to be in time.
Seoho just nods and sighs when they are finally done. Then they start singing. Singing had always been one of Seohos favorite duties. It was always very relaxing to him and he just loved music even when he had still been on Ayrum. They were singing for about 15 minutes then it is time for everyone to go to the next point on their schedule. But before they all can fly away one of the senior angels speaks up: " Please be quiet everyone! I am supposed to inform you that god has planned a meeting at 8 pm. We will at the big plaza and don't be late!"

After 2 hours of sorting files of new souls and a big bowl of noodles for dinner it is finally time for the meeting. Seoho is early this time. At point 8pm gods voice resounds over the whole plaza: " It is time again for a new angel to join us. The four angel who are going to bring him to us are this time Abraham, Elisabeth, Isidora and Seoho. He will be waiting for you at the river Naoi near the city Murym.
Open the portal and bring him back before this day ends. This is everthing for now. I wish you all a nice evening. Godbye!"
Seoho giggles a bit at gods joke. He likes to make jokes like that himself. Exited he goes to the other three chosen angels. "I would have never guessed that I would be chosen so soon." he says to the others and exitedly jumps up and down. "Actually where is Murym?" , Elisabeth asks. " Its the bigger city in the north of the desert", Isidora answers. "Oh okay. Sorry I was never good in geography."
Elisabeth giggles and nervously scratches the back of her head. "So what are we going to do now?" "Open the portal and escort the new angel to his new home" , explains Abraham.
"Yaaaay, let's go", Seoho screams.

Authors Note:
Hii I'm Kathy and this is my first fan fiction. Actually its the first time I write a story ever. Also English is not my native language and it's 1am right now so there might be grammar and spelling errors. I hope you enjoy the story so far. Next Chapter will be a Seoho solo chapter again but then there will probably some chapters with other members and their POV.;)
I hope you have a good day (or night ;D), see you in the next chapter!!!

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