Chapter Four: Guests

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Ravn POV

Ravn wakes up early today. He jumps out of his basket and changes into his human form. After he washed himself, he opens his and his dads shared closet. The majority of the clothes are his. He loves making new clothes for himself from either the wool of their sheeps or from the fabrics he buys at the bazaar. Ravn puts on his underwear and a pair of tight black trousers that are torn at the knees. People always give him weird looks when he wears them and ask if he can't afford new trousers but in Ravns eyes these people just have no fashion sense. He looks through his shirts and decides for a simple black shirt. Then he looks over at his collection of extravagant coats and capes. He picks up a black feathery cape and puts it over his shoulders. Then he takes comb and brushes his black hair. After a last long look at his cat-like face and his tall broad figure in the mirror, he blows a kiss at his reflection and leaves the bedroom which is actually more a closet than a bedroom since Ravn only needs a small basket for sleeping and his father sleeps on the branch in the living room. He shortly checks the guest room and closes the window which he opened to air out the room over night. The guest room has four beds in it. Sometimes they will get requests to cure illnesses that the doctor can't cure or clients who come from far away, then they can stay in the guest room.
Ravn walks down into the living room. His father is already enjoying his breakfast at the table and reading  an old book about magical energy. Ravn can tell that he is probably already awake since the sunrise to study his books. “Good morning dad! Haven't you read these books already?“ “Yes, but I'm getting old and I'm forgetting things, so I read through my old books again to not forget them.“
After they finished their breakfast they take care of the garden which means that Ravns father examines everything and tells Ravn what to do since he is already 81 and not the fittest anymore. It is almost noon when they finish and Ravns father decides to take a nap which means that watering the garden is now Ravns task. He goes up to the bedroom, because that is where he can concentrate the best, and sits down on the floor. He closes his eyes and starts murmuring a spell. A few minutes later it starts pouring outside. Tired from the work he turns into his animal form and wants to lay down on the adorable black wool blanket with  pink paws on it in his basket when he hears someone knock on the door. He hears a hysteric voice shout and then a deeper voice right afterwards. He walks towards the stairs and sits down on the first step to observe the front door. Hello, can we come in. We are getting wet.“ , he hears a high  pitched melodic voice shout from the front door. Ravn focuses on the front door and it opens. A blonde man enters. Ravn guesses that he is about his age and he seems to be slightly smaller than him. He has chubby cheeks, his full pink lips form a small smile and his eyes are so small that Ravn can't identify his eyes colour. Ravn gets a bit jealous looking at the mans stylish white clothes. But what stands out to him is the strong magic aura the man has. It is stronger than every aura Ravn has ever witnessed.
The man shouts for his friends which are apparently named Keonhee and Dongju. Two stick-thin brown-haired men enter. One is really tall and elegant. He has manly but also soft fratures and scans the room with his big round brown eyes. The other one is about the same height as the blonde and has a youthful and innocent face but a sharp jawline. His brown eyes are very big and he has very long eyelashes. He also possesses a very small magical aura , technically everyone has a tiny bit of magic in them, but he has a little more than average in him, probably enough to learn one or two smaller spells if he would train with a wizard.
He converses with the blonde man about the rain spell in a suprisingly deep voice. Then turns to look around too. Ravn quietly sneaks down the stairs while the blonde and the tall man move towards his father.
The smaller brown-haired guy sees him and starts petting him. Aww you're such a pretty kitty.“  He giggles while Ravn enjoys being petted. Although being busy with the cute young man, Ravn still listens to the two men in the back. When he hears that the blonde man needs help he immediatly turns human. “How can I help you?“, Ravn asks. The tall man screams out loud, the young man next to Ravn starts laughing at him and the white-dressed man just stares at Ravn in disbelief. “Sorry, I should introduce myself. I'm Ravn. People alsways confuse me with my dad when we are in our animal form but I am the black cat and he is the raven. He just thought my animal form would be a raven too, so he named me Ravn.“ Ohh“, all of the guests exclaim. All of a sudden Ravns father speaks: “Come little angel I think I can help you. I know how you can get back to heaven. Son could you open the basement door, please.“ “Yes, dad.“ Ravn opens the trapdoor to the basement. His father who is still a raven, flies through it and lands on his desk. Ravn lets the others go first before he climbs down the ladder himself. Seoho, what does he mean with go back to heaven?“, Keonhee asks. “So I am an angel and I came here through a portal, but when I wanted to go back the portal closed and now I'm stuck here because Ayrum doesn't have enough magical energy to open another portal.“ Ahh that is why felt so much magic in you.“, Ravn says. The other two just look at Seoho in disbelief. “But how do you know that I am an angel?“ “Because  all angels wear the same clothes and have the same hair colour besides that you have much more magic in you than anyone else on this planet. Also what are your names boys?“, Ravns father asks. “I'm Seoho!“ “I'm Keonhee.“ “I'm Dongju.“ “Interesting. I'm Taeyang. Son would you bring me a map of Doru.“ Ravn goes to one of the many shelves at the wall and picks up a map. He turns around and sees the book his father read this morning fly through the room and land on the desk in the middle of the room. Ravn places the map next to it and all of them gather around the desk. “I had to help an angel before. I worked as a wizard for the king of the big rainforest city Doru until I met Ravns mother 28 years ago. She was only 21 back then and the best witch I have ever seen. I wanted to settle down with her and have a family, so I moved here, because as palace wizard I wasn't allowed to have a family. Then, 24 years ago she gave birth to my handsome son Ravn. Unfortunately my wife died two years ago in a magic explosion.“, Taeyang tells and looks down sadly. Ehh... dad?“ “Oh, yes, so there is a place under Dorus palace that has a lot of magical energy flowing through it. One day an angel was stuck on Ayrum. He found out about the place and was able to open portal. Before he went back to heaven, he instructed the king to build a door and never tell anyone beside his wizard and his family about the place. The king built a door to protect the place. It has three locks. The key for the big one was given to the wizard, the keys for the small locks were given to the royal family. Over time a few other angels came to get back home. One of them while I was working there. The secret was kept within the family and the wizards that were working there.“ “So I need to go to Doru and ask the king and his wizard for the keys and then I can open a portal and go home?“ “ Yes“
“But isn't Doru under the control of the assassins guild at the moment?“, Keonhee asks. “Yes but the royal family and their wizard escaped and live in a village in the south of the desert near the rainforest.“, Ravn explains.“Then I will go and visit the king.“, Seoho exclaims. “I will come with you!“, Keonhee and Dongju say at the same time. “I would like to go too if that is okay with you dad?, Ravn says and looks at the raven. “Yes, go ahead and make some new experiences.“ “Thanks dad.“
They go back to the living room. “I would suggest we go tomorrow morning. You look very tired and hungry and Keonhee and Dongju need a bath and clothes that aren't completely torn.“, Ravn says. “Are you saying that we smell?“, Keonhee asks with an offended expression on his face. Ehh you are just kind of.. dirty.“ “You said something about food?“, Dongju asks curiously. “Oh, yes we will cook you a lunch and you can shower take a bath upstairs in the meantime.“
Fourtyfive minutes later they are sitting around the dining table and enjoying their lunch. Ravn is shocked by the portion size on Dongjus and Keonhees plates. Fortunatly he cooked a lot. “How young are you kids?“, Taeyang asks, this time he is in his human form. “I am 20.“ “I am 19.“ “And I am 23 ... well before I became an angel I was. Now I am 173 years old.“ “I am 24. After our lunch I will go to the bazaar with you and search for good fabrics for your new clothes.“ “Doesn't it take the tailor a few days to make the clothes?“, Dongju asks. “Yes but I can make you clothes in a few minutes.“, Ravn states. After their lunch, Taeyangs home-made ice cream and washing the dishes they go into the city. At the bazaar Ravn can feel the eyes of young women glued to him and Seoho. They are probably looking for a rich husband who reads every wish off their lips rather than love. Seoho waves and smiles innocently at them while they stumble through the crowd, looking for someone who sells nice fabrics. After one hour they finally find what they are looking for. They get a ruby coloured silk fabric for Dongju and a dark blue silk fabric for Keonhee, buttons for their shirts and three brooches. Back at the wizard's house Ravn makes shirts out of the silk fabric and the buttons. He gets a thin black wool fabric out of the storage and makes trousers for both of them and a waistcoat for Keonhee. Then he takes a felted material and turns it into three capes with hoods. He colours one dark red and puts a brooch that shows a bunny on it for Dongju, another dark blue and put a brooch that shows a piano on it for Keonhee and he keeps the third one white and puts a brooch that shows wings on it for Seoho. “I will make dinner now. If you want you can help. A friend of mine will also come over for dinner and  stay the night here.“, Ravn says. They make dinner, set up the table and sit down. “Will Geonhak join us today?“, Ravns father asks. “Yes he should be here soon.“, Ravn replies. Just a few seconds later someone knocks at the door. “Hi it's me! Sorry that I'm late.“, Geonhak shouts. His deep husky voice seemingly frightens the three guests a bit. Ravn opens the door. His tall gold blonde friend enters. Ravn admires his black sleeveless shirt and the harness over it that shows off his muscular figure. Eehh... A-Am I interrupting something?“

Authors Note:
Help my chapters keep getting longer!! I hope you don't mind.

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