Chapter Six: The start of a journey

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Seoho POV

Seoho runs as fast as he can but the green vegetables quickly catch up. He turns right and runs into a little side road. After a few minutes he reaches the end of the road. It is a dead end. He is trapped. He turns around. The broccoli comes closer and closer. Seoho is completely out of breath, sweaty and his whole body is shaking in fear of his enemy who is now only a few meters away from him. “Good morning! Breakfast is ready.“, a deep, calming and slightly annoyed sounding voice shouts. The world around Seoho fades and he is greeted by the bright morning sun. “Ahh, so bright!“, Seoho exclaimes and turns around for just five more minutes of sleep. “Maybe you should give him a good morning kiss. I heard somewhere that angels always kiss each other in the morning because they are very loving creatures.“, Keonhee states. Seoho feels someone kneel down on the edge of his bed. Dongjus shadow is casted over him as the boy draws near. When he feels his breath brush against his cheek, he sits up and pushes Dongju of the bed. “Eww, stop that.“
The skinny boy ungently falls down and laughs at Seohos disgusted facial expression. “And where did you hear that we kiss each other in the morning?“ “Nowhere, I just wanted to embarrass you.“, Keohee says with tears in his eyes from laughing. Seoho gives them an evil smile. “Oh, I will make sure you both go to hell for this.“
They go down the stairs. Geonhak is already sitting at the table while the wizards are still setting the table. He must have showered not too long ago because his hair is still wet. There is bread, butter, jam, cheese and rice pudding on the table. Seoho deeply inhales the smells around him. “Hmm... smells like...... wet dog.“
“Good morning to you, too. And at
least I not looking like a bloated squirrel.“, Geonhak greets him.
They all chuckle. “Good morning! Have you slept well?“, Ravn asks and sits down at the table with his father. “Yes, thank you.“, all of them answer. They eat their breakfast and wash the dishes and shower. Then they gather in the basement to plan their route.
“I have spoken to the general and you are allowed to escort them, Geonhak.“ “Thank you, Sir.“
Geonhak bows down and smiles.
“So how do we get to the royal family?“, Keonhee asks. “We have to go straight through the desert. Water will be fine as long as I have enough strength to cast a water spell but food might be a problem. We can only pack enough food for two days which means that we should probably take this route since a lot of villages lie on the way.“, Ravn explains and shows a route that goes zigzag through the desert.
“Won't it take longer?“, Seoho asks. “Do you have any appointments you need to get to?“, Ravn asks back. Seoho looks up as he thinks. “Ehm... no, well, I guess it doesn't matter when I get back.“
With their route set, they only discuss some details before they pack their backpacks and meet at the front door again to say goodbye to Taeyang. “Thank you for everything, sir. We are really grateful.“, Keonhee says. Dongju and Seoho nod and the three bow down deeply. “Oh it goes without saying. It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope you will safely get home little angel.“
“Thank you, sir
“Geonhak, you know, you are a part of this family. Come back home safely and take good care of my son.“ “I will, Taeyang.“
Taeyang hugs Geonhak before he faces his crying son. “Son, don't cry.“
“Will you be ok though?“ “Yes, Geohaks family invited me to stay at their home while you're on your little adventure.“
Ravn nods. “I'll miss you, dad!“ “I'll miss you, too.“ They hug eachother, then the group walks through the door, waves at Ravns father a last time and goes in a southward direction.
After two hours of walking in the heat of the desert and talking about possible scenarios of what could happen on their adventure, they spot some distant figures on a dune which are walking in their direction. One of them has extremly big, heavy and purple glowing chains around his wrists. “Slave traders!“, Keonhee whispers, “We should hide somewhere.“
They lay down on top of a dune from which they have a good view on the slave traders. As they come closer they get a better view of them. “Why are these chains glowing purple?“, Dongju asks. “They prevent the wearer from using magic. I can see that the captive has a similar strong magic aura as a wizard and I'm guessing from clothes that he is an elf. Contrary to wizards they are really good at illusion and charm spells, mind control and so on. Also, when they sing plants start to grow out of the ground and they are excellent fighters.“, Ravn states. “But I heard elfs are really, really tall. 1,95 meter tall is average and he isn't even as tall as Dongju.“, Keonhee says. “You hear a lot of things.“, Seoho says in a sarcastic tone. “I actually saw some a few months ago while I was guarding the palace. They visited the king and they were all two meters tall.“, Geonhak recounts. “Maybe he is a child.“, Dongju says. “Probably, he looks very young.“, Ravn states. “Yeah, he looks like a child. We should help him.“, Seoho exclaims. “That's way to dangerous.“,Keonhee says. “I think we should help. Kids shouldn't be sold as slaves on a market.“, Geonhak states. “Yes, puppy is right and I actually have a plan if all of you agree to save him.“, Dongju says. “I guess it would be the right thing to do.“, Keonhee admits. “Go ahead, Dongju.“, Ravn says. “So......“

Authors Note:
So they finally left the wizards house and are on their way to the royal family to get the keys for the portal room. Let's see how they help the child to escape in the next chapter.

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