Chapter Thirty Seven: The portal

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Seoho POV

After getting ready Seoho goes to the throne room where his friends, the king, the queen and the royal wizard await him. "Are you ready to go home?", the king asks. "Yes, even though I'm a bit nervous.", Seoho answers. They go through some corridors until they reach a small door at the back of the castle. A stone staircase leads into a dimly lit basement. They walk through a few more corridors past some storage rooms until they reach another staircase. At the end of the staircase is a tunnel that leads deeper down. Then finally after 5 more minutes they reach a gigantic golden door which has three locks. Two of them are really small and one bigger lock.
"So this was the giant clump of gold I sensed.", Hwanwoong says. "Wow, it's huge!", Keonhee exclaims. "I have to unlock the big lock first and then the twins have to use their keys at the same time.", Mira says. She takes the key out of her pocket and puts it into the keyhole. The door clicks as she turns it. Then the twins take their keys out of their amulets. They put them inside the locks. "3,2,1, turn.", Dongju counts down. It clicks again. The twins open the door and they enter. The room is a completely empty cave with a small crater in the middle but it definitely feels different to the rest of Ayrum. "I thought it would be something more special than a plain cave.", Keonhee says. "The energy in here is weird.", Ravn states.
Seoho makes the wings on his back visible. Then he starts singing a tune.
The magical energy in the room gathers above the crater. A blue light appears and grows bigger until it turns into a portal. "I have to say goodbye to you now.", Seoho says. The others run towards him and hug him tightly. Tears start to run down Seohos face. "I can't promise that we will see us again. I've brocken a lot of rules on Ayrum and they will probably send me to hell because of that." "Can't you just stay here forever?", Dongju begs. "No, I don't belong here. I have left this world a long time ago and I'm way to powerful to live here. It would mess with the balance of the world. Besides that I actually miss home."

After what feels like hours everyone finally lets go of Seoho. Seoho steps in front of portal. He turns around one last time. "Thank you for being my friends and helping me. I'm really glad I met you." "I also want to thank you for helping us in the battle. It was wonderful to get to know you.", the king says. Seoho waves them goodbye and his friends wave back, everyone still with tears in their eyes.
Seoho turns towards the portal and takes one last deep breath before he walks through it.

On the other side he is greeted by a bright light then he sees all of the senior angels stand in front of him. "Seoho, in the name of god, you are under arrest!"

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