Chapter Twenty Seven: Troublemakers

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Dongju POV

It is the day before the army leaves to conquer back Doru. Dongju has already eaten his breakfast and is now all alone in their room after the others left to get their weapons or let their weapons get sharpened. His brother and him still need to decide on a plan on how they can sneak into the battle. He walks over to his brothers room and knocks on the door. "Who is it?" "Me." "Come in."
Dongju enters the room and is a little bit surprised when he sees his brother naked on the floor. He has a brush in his hand and is painting a colourful picture on a canvas. "Why are you naked?", Dongju asks. "I always draw or paint naked. It's very  relaxing and liberating. Plus my clothes don't get dirty." "...okay..."
Dongju sits down on his brothers bed. "We still need to make our plan, Dongmyeong." "Yes, wait a second, I'm almost done." Dongmyeong finishes the last details on his painting, washes his hands and sits down next to Dongju. "Don't you want to put on clothes?", Dongju asks. "Why? Only you are here." "It's a little bit weird." "So let's recap what we discussed until now.", Dongmyeong continues, ignoring his brothers remark. "Well, so we can't hide between the soldiers of the other armies because the generals know us and probably got told to look out for us. We can't go alone because it's to dangerous and we don't know the rainforest very well.", Dongju says. "I also thought about the option of a wizard who makes us invisible but I don't think we will find one that doesn't know us.", the older twin says. "Hwanwoong can do it but it lasts only a few minutes anyway." "But one thing is sure..." Dongmyeong stands up, walks towards his wardrobe and takes out a sword. "'ll need a sword. This is the one our father gave me. He said that it was his when he was younger. I never used it. I hope it is still somewhat sharp." "And where do I get mine?" "We will steal one from the armory. Let's go!" Dongmyeong puts down his sword next to his bed and wants to go outside. "Brother, you're still naked.", Dongju exclaims and giggles. "Oh, right."

They walk to the armory. A lot of men are waiting outside to get their weapon. They bow down and make place for the twins who try get inside. "I'm going to distract everyone. You steal the sword.", Dongmyeong whispers in Dongjus ear. While Dongmyeong tells everyone in the room to gather around him, Dongju squeezes himself through the mass of people in the armory who are completely focused on his brother. He reaches the stand with the swords and tries to pull one of them out as quietly as possible. Suddenly the person right next to him turns around. "Dongju what are you doing here?", Mingi asks with his way to loud voice, but fortunately everyone else still seems to be focused on his brothers motivational speech. The younger twin motions to him to be quiet. Dongju takes the sword and looks around. Getting the sword was the easy part, getting out of the armory with it seems to be much harder. Then Dongju sees a window a few steps away from him but it is a little bit high for him to reach it. He pulls Mingi who is still looking at him confused over to the window and signals him to help him climb through the window. With Mingis help Dongju successfully climbs through the window.
Dongju goes back to the house and waits for his brother in his room.
When Dongmyeong still isn't back after ten minutes, Dongju leaves the room to search for him and finds him in the entrance hall with a really pale lady with dark brown hair who carries a giant umbrella with her. He walks towards them and recognizes the lady as Gina, the vampire lady from the small farmers inn. "Oh, brother! This lady here and her friends want to help out at the battle too. They would already leave this evening and carry us on their backs.", Dongmyeong states. "She is a vampire.", Dongju says. "I know." "But you know that I won't drink your blood... even though you smell really tasty. We can travel a lot faster than humans at night but really slow at daytime. This umbrella protects us from the sun but we are still extremely weakened at daytime. You could sleep while we carry you at night and protect us from whatever might attack us on our way in the daytime.", Gina says. "I think it is the only way how we can get to Doru without dad noticing anything.", Dongmyeong says. "Okay, when do we leave?", Dongju asks. "At twilight.", Gina replies. Dongju nods. The twins say goodbye to Gina and go back to their room to pack their things.
After two hours they have packed most of their stuff. "I'm so hungry.", Dongju says. "Actually this reminds me that we still need supplies for the way.", Dongmyeong remarks. "And where do we get them?", Dongju asks. "From Hyungu. Let's meet him quickly and then eat something.", the older twin says.

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