Chapter Nine: Festival

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Ravn POV

Ravn wakes up in the morning because someone picks him up. Dongju places him in his lap and hugs him tightly. “Can you wake him up please. I'm hungry.“, he nags. “What do you think we've been doing the last five minutes.“, Keonhee yells. Ravn looks over to the other four. Hwanwoong is asleep and the other three try to wake him up. Seoho tries to tickle him with a feather of his wings, Geonhak grabs him and shakes him and Keonhee pinches him but he still doesn't wake up. Ravn giggles, then he jumps out of Dongjus lap and walks over to the sleeping elf. He turns into a human again, puts his hand over the sleeping body and lets water pour on the small elf. Hwanwoong opens his eyes. Ahh so cold!!“, he murmurs. He sits up and looks at the others sleepy. “Why are you all standing around me?“, the elf asks. “We tried to wake you up.“, Geonhak states. “Stop talking! I want to eat!“, Dongju shouts. “I am very hungry too.“, Keohee says. They start eating their breakfast. “I'm sorry that I couldn't wake up this morning. I am a very deep sleeper. This is also how I was caught by the slave traders. They came at night and since I don't notice anything while I am sleeping, it was easy for them to capture me.“, Hwanwoong explains slowly while he is still not fully awake.
They finish their breakfast and pack their things. “We don't have much food left but we will reach a village in a few hours. We can restock our supplies there.“, Ravn says. “We're already out of food?!“, Keonhee asks in shock. “It's because you and Dongju eat too much“, Geonhak says.
They continue walking for a few hours then they start seeing houses in the distance. “Almost there!!“, Seoho shouts happily. “Finally. I feel like I'm dying from the heat.“, Keonhee says.
When they enter the village it seems empty at first but as they go futher into it they hear a lot of voices shouting. They enter a bigger venue with a lot of people running around. They seem to prepare something.
“Excuse me sir.“, Ravn stops one of the villagers passing by. “We are travelers and we need some food for our journey can you recommend us something.“ “You're lucky. At the moment we have merchants from Doru and Murym here. They are over there in the main road. If you need a place to stay at for the night you can ask at the “Drowning Camel“ for rooms.“
“Thank you for your help. By the way, what are you preparing here?“ “There will be a festival tonight. There will be music, dancing, alcohol and lots of food. If you want to, you can come.“ Ahh, thank you. We will see if we have time to come.“ “I want to go it sounds fun.“, Seoho shouts from behind Ravn. “I want to go too.“, Keonhee and Dongju shout at the same time. “Me, too.“, Hwanwoong says. Ravn looks at Geonhak who just nods in agreement. “Then I will see you later I guess. Bye!“, the villager bids farewell and continues working. “Bye!“, the group says. They go to main road and look through the things the merchants sell. Most things are completely unfamiliar to Hwanwoong and Seoho which causes them to spend a lot of time examining everything in detail while the others restock the supplies. After two hours of explaining Woongie and Seoho what the different things are, they decide to go to the “Drowning Camel“ to get some rooms for the night.
The “Drowning Camel“ is a nice and cozy inn. It has a nice lounge with a bar and some tables and it is relatively empty at the moment because most people help preparing the festival. The women at the bar gives them two rooms. Most group members take a nap except for Ravn and Dongju. Ravn tries to train Dongju in magic but he only makes extremly slow progress even though he says he is normally a very quick learner. After an hour they decide to go to the festival.
When they arrive Keonhee and Dongju immeadiatly go to the buffet which is huge and on the side of the venue. Next to it are big barrels with alcoholic drinks in them but the is also water and exotic fruit juices available. A few tables, chairs and benches are also alligned on the sides. A music group plays music and in the middle of venue are a lot of people who are dancing to the music.
Ravn follows the others to the buffet and sits down at the last free table with them after choosing his dinner.
“Oh, I think I know this juice. It's a popular drink among children in Doru if I remember correctly.“, Dongju remarks. “It's amazing.“, Hwanwoong says. “It's too sweet for my taste.“, Geonhak states.
They eat their dinner while bickering playfully and then put their empty plates on a pile of dirty dishes.
“I am going to dance now. Dongju do you want to dance with me?“, Hwanwoong asks. “Okay.“
The two smaller men disappear in the crowd. “I am going to dance too.“, Keonhee says and walks over to a girl who is standing on the side and asks her for dance. She seems to agree and the two start dancing. “Hmm it looks fun. I think I'm going to asks someone for a dance too. What are you doing Geonhak?“, Seoho asks. “Ehm, I don't know, I am not the best dancer and I don't think someone would want to dance with someone as scary looking as me.“, Geonhak mumbles. “I don't think you look scary. It will be fun, you should try it!“ Geonhak shyly looks on the ground. “Ehh. I don't know. I...“ He gets interrupted by Seoho who is pushing him into the crowd. He looks around in panik but then a girl comes towards him, grabs his hand and dances with him. Seoho also disappears on the dancefloor. Ravn is unsure what he should do now. He decides to check his appearance. He takes out a small mirror from his pocket and looks at his reflection. He fixes his hair a little bit and adjusts his shirt. “Wow, I look super handsome today.“ A young woman walks up to him. Ehh, hello, ehh, would you like to dance with me?“, she asks. “Of course.“
After a while the crowd forms a circle and a few people show off some solo dances in the middle. Keonhee steps forward and shows a funny dance which makes the crowd laugh. The others push Geonhak in the middle and he shows some powerful dance moves. Then Hwanwoong steps out.
As he starts dancing the crowd gets immeadiatly mesmerized by his elegant but powerful dance moves. After his performance ends there is a huge applause.
Slowly it is getting darker and darker until the sun is almost completely gone. “I need to go inside now before I turn into a wolf.“
“Keonhee, Seoho and I want to stay a little longer.“, Woongie says. “Okay me and Dongju will go back to inn with Geonhak.“
They leave the other three at the festival and go to their rooms. “Can you stay at my room for a little bit I don't want to be alone.“, Geonhak says. Ravn and Dongju follow him into the room that he shares with Seoho and Keonhee. They sit down on his bed. A few minutes later Geonhak turns into a wolf. Dongju and the wizard continue practicing magic. “Try again, you need to really focus on what you wanna do.“, Ravn instucts him. “That's what I've been doing all time.“, the younger man grumbles but does as he is told. He is very concentrated when suddenly the wolf starts howling next to him. He looks at werwolf annoyed and continues practicing but Geonhak howls again and nudges Dongju with his snout. Dongju looks at the wolf angrily. Geonhak quickly stands up and tries to escape from the young man but fails. Dongju gets him and starts tickling him until he lays completely out of breath on his back. Ravn just watches them and laughs.
After an other hour of practicing Geonhak is completely asleep and Dongju is frustrated. “Why am I so bad at this?!“ “Sometimes people can't control their abilities well when their soul isn't in balance. Is their something bothering you or are you maybe not able to get over your past?“ “No, I am really happy now. I have accepted that I will never see my family again. I have you now as my friends and thats all I need.“ “Hmm..., maybe it just because you're exhausted from travelling. We should go to bed now.“ “Okay.“
They go to their room, get ready for bed and fall asleep really quickly.

Authors Note:
I took me a little bit longer to update this time because I'm ill and I lacked inspiration. Also it hasn't been two weeks since this story hit 100 reads and now it's already at over 200 reads.😵 I don't know what to say but thank you for reading my story. <3

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