4000 Reads Special

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Thank you for 4000 reads and over 250 votes. It means a lot to me and makes me really happy that so many people like this story. I decided to write a little extra chapter. I hope you like it. Stay safe and healthy!

Geonhak runs through the forest. The elves are directly behind him. He shouldn't have stolen the chicken from that tavern. Suddenly a tiny elf jumps out behind a tree. He tries to dodge him but the elf is still able to grab him. He whispers a spell and the world around Geonhak fades into darkness. When he wakes up, Geonhak finds himself to be in a dark cell. He doesn't know for how long he passed out but it is already dark outside. Near the cell door stands a wooden plate with vegetables on it. Geonhak hates vegetables but it is better than nothing. He tries not to gag on the awful taste of them and finishes them as quickly as possible.

Then suddenly two men come in. Surprisingly one of them is not an elf, he is human. He is wearing expensive clothes and has a crown on his head. His eyes and hair are dark brown, he is slightly shorter than Geonhak and very slim. The other man is the elf king. “Take a look.“, the elf king says to the man. They walk towards the first cell. “He looks weak and ugly.“, the man says in a deep unemotional tone. They go to the next cell. “He killed three of our soldiers.“, the elf king states. “Hmm... he looks strong but I don't know if he is presentable enough to serve when I have guests.“, the mysterious man says. Geonhaks cell is next. The man looks at him with cold eyes. Then he suddenly smiles and giggles cutely. “Oh he is very handsome. And he looks strong too. I think I'll take him.“, the man says. The guard opens the door and two other guards pull Geonhak out of the cell. “I found my new slave.“, the man exclaims and claps excited. Geonhak is unsure how he should feel. The thought of becoming a slave makes him feel defeated and hopeless but the man is just so cute that he kind of doesn't mind serving him.

Geonhak gets pulled to a wagon with men on it who are in chains. The guards put chains around Geohaks wrists and force him to get on the wagon. The cute man climbs into a carrige in front of the wagon. Behind the wagon are soldiers who watch every move Geonhak makes. They drive for serveral hours until they reach a city between the mountains. They drive through the city and stop in front of the palace. The soldiers pull Geonhak and the other man off the wagon and bring them inside. They get pulled to the basement of the castle into a cell-like room with several beds in it. They soldiers take off their chains then they leave. The other men from the wagon start chatting with each other, it seems like they already know each other. “The king was really demanding this time.“, one of them said. “And in a really bad mood, he screamed at me because there wasn't enough pepper on his food even though it's the cooks fault.“, an other one said. From the conversations Geonhak guesses that the others already worked here for a while. All of a sudden someone taps him on the shoulder. Geonhak turns around. It's a man with blonde hair who smiles brightly. “Hii are you new here?“, the man asks. Ehm yes. I am Geonhak and you?“ “Seoho. The bed under mine is still empty do you want to sleep there?“ “Yes, thank you.“ Seoho shows him his bed and starts explaining where everything is. After a while a stern looking man enters the basement. Farty, New Slave, the king awaits you.“, he announces. They follow the man. “Why did he call you Farty?“, Geonhak asks Seoho while they walk to the throne room. “No talking!“,the man says.
They enter the throne room. The king sits on the throne looking very bored but to Geonhak also very handsome. Hii, my name is king Dongju. You should call me master. You are...“, the king introduces himself. “I'm Geon...“, Geonhak starts but gets interrupted by the king. “Shut up. I decide your name. Let's see... your name is going to be Chick because you look like one. Here are the rules. You do what I say and keep your mouth shut unless I tell you otherwise. If you break the rules, annoy me or bore me you'll get punished. And now you two can entertain me. I'm bored.“
Seoho starts telling bad jokes while Geonhak is unsure what he should do. King Dongju doesn't seem to like Seohos jokes. “You're annoying me Farty. Maybe you want to make the acquaintance of the torture chamber?“, Dongju says. Seoho quickly starts singing which seems to please the king more. Geonhak joins him. “Your voices sound so pretty together.“, the king says with a cute voice and smiles happily. They are allowed to go back to the basement after the song. “Why are you called Farty?, Geonhak asks Seoho. When I was new here I was really nervous when I met the king and farted really loudly.“ “Oh.“
The next day Geonhak has to bring the king his food. He wonders how such a tiny body is supposed to get so much food in it but is surprised when the king finishes it. After that he has to follow him to the throne room. The king sits down and then kicks off his shoes. “Give me a foot massage Chick!“, he demands. “But your feet are smelly master.“, Geonhak whines. The king suddenly looks very angry, he grabs Geonhaks arm and bites into it. Geonhak lets out a scream as he feels Dongjus teeth dig into his skin. After the king finally lets loose of his arm Geonhak is left with red deep teeth markings. “How dare you say such things about your master. You are lucky that you are so cute. Otherwise I would have had to get something cut off of you. Now give me the foot massage Geonhak gulps. The thought of that makes him sick so he swears to himself to be more careful with his words around the king.
The next two days Geonhak doesn't get called by the master instead he has to clean all of the rooms in the castle. On the third day Geonhak has to clean the throne room.
The king sits on his throne and watches him. “You know what, you look kind of hot doing this but it would be even better if you took off your shirt.“, the king states. Geonhak does as he is told. While he cleans he can feel Dongju eyes on him all the time which makes him very uncomfortable. He is tempted to tell him to stop but also to scared of the consequences.
The same evening the king calls him to his bathroom. “It's boring to take a bath alone. Join me.“, Dongju demands. Again Geonhak does what the king says in fear of what could happen if he didn't. Geonhak sits down in the bathtub and immediately gets water splashed into his face. The king laughs at him. Geonhak splashes back at him. The king grabs Geonhaks neck and puts his head underwater. Just before Geonhak is drowning he lets go of him. “I didn't tell you to splash back.“ Geonhak coughs and takes deep breaths. Dongju gets little fish figures from his bathroom cabinet and tells Geonhak to play with him. They play for a while before he has to scrub the kings back. After that he can go back to the basement. “You were with the king for a long time. What did you do?, Seoho asks as he Geonhak sits down on his bed. “He wanted me to play with him in the bathtub.“ “That sounds a little bit weird. I never heard of someone who had to do that.“, Seoho says.
The next day Geonhak has to go to the kings room and help him get ready for bed. As he buttons Dongjus pajama the smaller man takes his hand and bites into it. After a minute he lets loose of it and giggles. “You taste good.“ Then Geonhak has to lie down on the bed next to the king. You look handsome today.“, the king says which makes Geonhak flustered. Dongju slowly comes closer to him. Geonhak wonders what he wants from him and has a weird feeling in his stomach. “You know I am kind of lonely sometimes.“, the king whispers and comes even closer until their noses touch. He opens his mouth to say something again but his next words surprise Geonhak: “Wake up!“

The world around Geonhak fades and he is greeted by bright sunlight. He takes deep breaths, glad that he escaped this crazy dream. “It is noon already. Get up!“, Dongju nags. The younger boy sits on Geonhaks stomach and looks at him. G-good m-morning.“, Geonhak stutters and feels the heat rush to his cheeks from embarrassment when he thinks back to his dream. “Is everything okay? You look like you've seen a ghost.“, Dongju asks. “I had a very strange nightmare.“, Geonhak says.

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