Chapter Twenty Four: Parents

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Hwanwoong POV

Three weeks later everyone has improved a lot at training. They often met up with their friends during that time,Dongmyeongs band held two little concerts at the village and the twins have found their love for pranking everyone around them which resulted in them getting grounded a few times.
The king sent a few spies to Doru which reported that they are still working on building an army and it will approximately take two months until they will be ready to attack Murym. The king plans to attack the city before that happens.
The last weeks Hwanwoong went jogging with Seoho and Geonhak to improve his stamina. As they jog around the city this morning they notice that the tents have quadrupled over night. "Where do all of these come from?", Seoho asks. "I don't know. The king will probably tell us about it during breakfast.", Geonhak says.
Just as Geonhak predicted the king addresses the tents outside the village.
"Tonight the elves and dwarves have arrived at the village. We will meet up with their kings after breakfast.", he announces.
When they enter the big hall after breakfast the kings are already waiting for them. The king quickly introduces everyone. "I am sorry that we are late but we needed to wait for the dwarves. They are so slow with their short legs.", the elf king says. "At least I didn't bang my head into door frame when I entered.", the dwarf says and giggles. The elf rolls with his eyes. "Ehh... excuse me. Maybe we could talk in my study room about our plan and stuff.", the king interrupts them. They explain the plan to them too. Before he goes back to his camp, the elf king wants to talk to Hwanwoong. "Why didn't you come back after you finished your mission?", he asks. "I thought I was needed here..." Hwanwoong pauses for a second. "Actually I just wanted to help my friend." "I understand." The elf nods. "Your parents are waiting outside for you. They are dying to see you again. See you later, maybe." The king leaves. Hwanwoong slowly follows after him. As soon as he is outside, his parents run towards him, kneel down and hug him tightly. "We missed you so much. You were out there all alone. Weren't you lonely? I hope you didn't get hurt.", his mother worries. "I'm fine. I missed you too and I wasn't lonely. I made some friends on the way here." "Oh, we have to meet them later.", his father says.
Hwanwoong hugs his parents tightly but one question runs through his mind. "Why did you never tell me I am adopted?" "How do you know about it?", his father wonders. "I met my real mothers ex-fiance on the way here." "We didn't want you to feel like you don't belong to the family.", his mother says. "So you know who your real parents are?", his father asks. "My mother was an elf from the city but she died shortly after I was born. My dad...", Hwanwoong tells but doesn't know how to word the next sentence. "He is not a criminal or something like that, is he?", his mother asks nervously. "Ahh noo... he is just not very tall." "Makes sense. Your not very tall either." "Yeah and he probably has a beard." "A beard? Elves don't have beards.", his father states. "Eeehhh he also lives under the mountains in the north." "Is this a guessing game?" "Wait, is he a dwarf?", Hwanwoongs mother guesses. "Yeah."
His parents stare at him with big eyes. "A dwarf in our house, all this time. I shoud have known the weird behavior and skills, the spells...", his father murmurs to himself. "We should make sure the others don't hear about this.", his mother states. "Why not? The times where we and the dwarves were enemies are over. Maybe it can make them more open minded about each other." "I would like to know where your father is first and see what he thinks. Do where he went after your mother died?", Woongies father ask. "He went back into the mountains to live with the other dwarves." "So maybe he is here too. Let's look for him at the camp."
They go to the camp. "How are we supposed to find him? There are hundreds of dwarves here.", Hwanwoong says. "We will need to ask around. Maybe if we ask for a dwarf who has lived outside of the mountains we might find him.", his mother suggest. Hwanwoong walks up to a dwarf that comes out of a tent. "Hello sir. Can I ask you a question?" The dwarf looks at him confused then looks up to his parents and frowns. "Okay, kid. What do you and your parents want?", he asks. "We are looking for a dwarf. He lived in the woods for some time. Do you know anyone like that?" "No, sorry."
They speak to a few other dwarves but without any luck. All of a sudden a quircky old dwarf comes up to them. "Sorry, I overheard your conversation with one of my friends. I think I know who you mean. His name is Shotûl. He lived in the woods for some time because he fell in love with someone but it didn't work out. He is helping our blacksmith right now. You'll find his tent if you go straight past seven tents and then you go right and walk past five tents and then it's the tent on the left.", the dwarf tells. "Thank you! See you around."
The follow the dwarfs directions and enter the blacksmiths tent. Inside are three dwarves who are sharpening weapons. "I think Rhána likes you, Sho. You should go out with her.", one of the dwarves says "I told you one hundred times already that I don't want to get married." "Excuse me.", Hwanwoong says. "What the he..." The third dwarf starts but stops when he sees Hwanwoong. He examines the two and a half elves in front of him. "What can I do for you, little one?, asks the two heads smaller dwarf with a suddenly sweet voice. "Can I talk to Shotûl please?" "Is it important?" "Yes but not super urgent." "You see. We have a lot of work to do. So maybe you can come back later." "We can meet up later at the evening. Where are you staying at?", Shotûl suggests. "At the kings house." "Oh you must be the short elf who helped finding the lost prince." "Yes. I guess the news spread quite quick." "See you later then." "See you."
They go back to the village. "Let's eat something now. I'm hungry. Maybe your friends want to come too?", his father says. "They are probably at the training area right now. So let's go there and ask them."
They look for Hwanwoongs friends at the training area. Hwanwoong introduces them to his parents and they go to the inn to eat lunch.

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