Chapter Twenty Six: The pack

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Geonhak POV

It's the middle of the night. A howl can be heard outside. Geonhak wakes up and quietly slips out of the room. Usually it is really quiet outside, so it is surprising for Geonhak to hear a howl and something inside of him tells him to check it out. It's quiet windy outside and, coming out of a warm bed, Geonhak shivers a little bit. He wanders a bit through the village until he reaches the tents of the armies. Geonhak looks around and sees a reddish coloured wolf stand between the tents. He walks towards the wolf. "I've been waiting for you.", he hears general Nirima speak to him in his head. "How are you speaking to me?", Geonhak asks the voice in his head. "Just how you did, through my thoughts. Werewolves can use telepathy among each other." "I didn't know that. I never met another werewolf." The general circles around him and takes a really close look at him. "You are a really good fighter. Your blonde friend isn't the easiest opponent." "What did you mean earlier when you said let's see if you're worthy of it?" "I wanted to see if you are worthy of being in my pack." "Well I can already tell you that I am not interested. I am fine living with my family." "You're really strong, you could help us a lot. We could protect you from the humans." "I have no problems with other people. I leave them alone and they leave me alone." "It's your loss." The general turns her back on Geonhak and leaves into the darkness. Geonhak goes back to their room. He lays down on his bed and thinks about what the general said. Living in a pack wouldn't be something for him but he is definitely curious to meet other werewolves.

In the morning Geonhak is deep in thought. He wants to talk to Nirima again and ask her why she wants to live in a pack and how she imagines her life in a pack. It is kind of exciting for him to meet an other one of his kind. Werewolves are not very common. It's a genetic mutation that can occur if you are born under a full moon and many werewolves get killed because they can't control their wolf form. "Is everything okay, puppy?", Dongju asks. "Hmm, oh, yeah." "Thinking about the general again?", Ravn asks with a mischievous smile on his face. "Actually yes. I met her tonight." "Ooohh what happened?", Hwanwoong asks. "She is a werewolf too and wants me to be in her pack." "In her pack? I never heard of werewolves who lived in a pack.", Keonhee says. "It's not very common.", Ravn states. "Are you going to join her?", Dongju asks. "No, I'm just curious about the other werewolves and why she wants to form a pack." "Understandable.", Hwanwoong says.
Later at the training he feels the generals eyes on him. He trains with Hwanwoong who tries to teach him how to detect invisible enemies.
Hwanwoong makes himself invisible. Geonhak tries to find him but when he scans the area for signs of the elfs location he sees Nirima in a corner with three men. He wonders if they are part of her pack. Someone taps on his back then he hears a calming voice in his head. It tells him to go over to the general and talk to her. Geonhak can't help but walk towards her. The voice tells him to go to her and kiss her. Geonhak has never noticed how bright and beautiful her green eyes are and how elegant her hair flows. He is now standing right in front of her. The three people from earlier make room for them to speak privately with each other. "Can I help you with something?", the general asks. "You want her, kiss her.", the voice says. Geonhak pushes the general against the wall of the armory to their right and places his hands right next to her head. The general looks at him shocked but then puts her arms around his waist. "Kiss her!", the voice says again. Geonhak only notices now that it is a male voice. He draws closer to Nirima. Their lips almost touch then he hears the voice again: "Do it!"
Geonhak recognizes the voice this time. It is Hwanwoong. He snaps out of his trance and blushes as he looks the general directly into her eyes. He pulls away from her grip, murmurs an apology and runs back to his training partner. "You little rat.", he exclaims and tries to punch the little half elf but he dodges it. "That's why pay attention to your enemy. I'm impressed that you could get out of my mind control though.", Hwanwoong states. "I know. But you didn't need to tell me that this way." "Well if you would have fought against an elf in a real battle then this is what might have happened." "Him manipulating me to kiss someone?" "No, of course not." Hwanwoong giggles. "But probably to kill someone." Geonhak looks at the other people around them, still with a red face. "Are you angry?", the cute half dwarf asks. "A little bit." "I'm sorry." Hwanwoong hugs Geonhak tightly and looks up to him with big eyes. He looks so cute that Geonhak just can't be mad at him any longer. "It's okay." Geonhak ruffles through the smaller mans hair.
Then they go back to training.

Later during dinner the other ask Geonhak about the incident from earlier. "What were you and the general doing during training?", Keonhee asks. "I wanted to remind Geonhak that it is important to not get distracted during a battle." "By making them kiss?", Dongju asks and giggles. "Yes but I snapped out of it."
"She seemed into you.", Ravn states. "But I'm DEFINITELY not into her.", Geonhak stresses. "We know. It was just a dumb prank. I'm sorry.", Hwanwoong apologizes again. "You shold definitely talk to her. The incident might have given her the wrong impression.", Seoho suggests. "Yeah, probably. I'm just... kind of ... still embarrassed about it." Geonhak blushes by the thought of having to talk to the general again. "But you're a strong man you can do it.", Dongmyeong says to motivate him. Geonhak giggles a bit at the older twins words. "Yeah. I will talk to her."

fter dinner, before they leave into their rooms, the king stops them. "Before you go into your room I just wanted to say that we will leave the day after tomorrow in the early morning. So prepare everything tomorrow. And sons... you stay here. I don't want to see anywhere between our soldiers. Do you understand?" "Yes, dad.", the twins answer annoyed and roll their eyes.

At night Geonhak gets woken up by someone's howling again. He goes outside and finds Nirima and three other werewolves sitting in front of the house. "What do you want from me?", Geonhak asks. "I thought you maybe changed your decision concerning the pack.", she explains and walks in really close circles around him. "About the incident at the training area. My friend used a mind control spell on me." "I understand." "I was surprised that you didn't try to push me away." "Who doesn't want to be kissed by a sexy, strong werewolf?", she whispers in his ear. Geonhak feels his blood rush to his cheeks. If he was in his human form, his head would be as red as a tomato. "Ehhh... umm... I guess..." "So do you want to join the pack now?" "W-Why do you even want to have a pack?" "Well as you know humans are afraid of us. Many of us get killed by them. A lot of werewolf children get also kicked out or killed by their families as soon as they find out about it. That's I want to form a pack. We could watch out for other werewolves, bring them to a save spot away from the humans and build a werewolf city where we can defend ourselves against the humans." "I don't think this is the right way to go. We need to find a way how humans can accept us. We need to show them that we are not a threat to them when you give us time to learn how to control our wolf form. Seperating us from them will only make it harder for them to accept us." "They will always see us as a threat no matter how often you try to tell them that we are not. Our only option is to get away from them. I could give you a high position in my pack. You could be right next to me and we could lead the werewolves together to better times." She draws even closer circles around Geonhak now and caresses his body with her tail. She obviously trying to seduce him but he just gives her a stern look. "All my friends, the royal family and even the villagers here accepted me. Why shouldn't the others accept us too?" "They only accept you because you have a wizard and an elf by your side who could paralyze or control you if you should try to harm one of them. Come on, join us! Isn't it a lot nicer to live with your kind?" "Sorry but I don't want to join you. Goodnight!" Geonhak turns around and goes back to sleep in his room. If all werewolf puppies would get the training that he got, humans wouldn't be afraid of them anymore, would they?

Authors Note:
I hope you liked this chapter. The end of this story is getting closer and so are 2k reads. Thank you for all your votes and comments. I still can't believe that so many people like this story.❤🐁

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