Chapter Twenty one: Party

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Dongju POV

They step inside. "Good morning, mum and dad.", Dongmyeong says and opens the curtains. "G..", the king tries to greet him but he starts coughing. His brother sits down on the bed and motions Dongju to sit next to him. His parents are extremly pale and sweaty. They shiver and barely can keep their eyes open. "Dongju is here. He is back.", Dongmyeong says. "Hi, mum, dad. It's... been a while.", Dongju greets them. Seeing them like this brings tears into his eyes. His brother leans over and whispers into his ear: "Do you think the healing spell works now too?" Dongju thinks about it, then he stands up and goes to the other side of the bed. He holds his hand above his mother. Dongmyeong mirrors him on the other side. He nods towards Dongju. A strong golden light surges through their hands, it streams down to their parents bodies. Slowly some colour comes back to their face. Then the light slowly fades again. Their parents stand up and hug them tightly. "You did it! You finally can use your magic!", the king exclaims. "And our little Dongju is back.", the queen. Their parents step back to look at Dongju. "You've grown a lot. You've become a handsome young man, just like your brother.", king Domenico says.
Dongju blushes and hugs his parents again. "I've missed you."

Ravn POV

After the twins disappear into the hallway, they are left alone at the big hall. "His brother is really cute. He seems very energetic.", Seoho says. "Can you really not help his parents? He is going to be really sad when they die just after they've been reunited.", Ravn begs. "No, otherwise I will be send to hell."
"If you can't help the people on Ayrum, what do angels actually do all the time?", Keonhee asks. "We greet new souls, sing, guard the souls, make sure they are happy and stuff like that. I always did the paper work.", Seoho explains. "Paper work?", Hwanwoong asks. "Keeping track of the souls who come to heaven, people who are newly born and people who go to hell, because they are to lazy for paper work."
Suddenly Mira speaks up: "Guys, can you help us with the party?" "Of course. What do you want us to do?", Ravn replies. "I need someone who can write 5 posters for the village that notify the people of our party. It would be nice if someone could help Harad in the inn with the food for the party. And I need some people who can help carrying things." "I'll help in the inn.", Keonhee says and sprints outside. "I can write the posters.", Hwanwoong states. "The rest can follow our butler to the basement.", Mira says and leaves immediatly after. Geonhak, Seoho and Ravn follow the butler. In the basement are a lot of tables, decorations and a fondue fountain waiting to be brought up into the big hall.
After working for a while the twins finally come back from visiting their parents. But they are not alone. The king and the queen are right behind them and Dongmyeong is talking to them excitedly. Ravn wonders how they managed to get well in such a short time period then he remembers the twins healing magic. Mira comes into the room. Shocked about their recovery, she looks at the king and queen for a few minutes. Then the five disappear into a hallway.
More and more people appear to help with the party. Amongst others some of Dongmyeongs bandmates. Hyungu brings the cheese for the fondue, the tall singer brings some handmade table cloths and the smaller man with the chubby cheeks and fluffy hair helps assemble a small stage for the musicians.
It begins to get a little bit dark outside. In the meantime the twins also started helping with preparations. Everythings almost ready. The door swings open and a nice food smell streams into the room. Keonhee, the last one of Dongmyeongs friends and his dad arrive with the food. They place it neatly onto the tables and after a half hour everything is ready. The king stands in front of his throne and asks for silence. "I want to thank everyone who helped with the preparations. Everything looks marvelous. I hope you enjoy the party. It will start in half an hour. Thank you!" After the speech the group gathers in the middle of the room. "I am really tired.", says Seoho. "What should I say? Do you know how stressful it was at the inn?", Keonhee complains. "I am kind of nervous because of party. I don't know how to deal with so many people who look up to me as their prince.", Dongju worries. Dongmyeong and his friends join the group. "It is really easy brother. If someone asks something, just nod and smile.", the prince says and giggles. His friends introduce themselves to the group. Apparently the tall singer is called Yonghoon, the smaller man with the chubby cheeks is Giwook and the one who brought the food from the inn is Harin. He has really sharp features and looks super cool but turns out to be the dorkiest of them.
Slowly the the people from the village gather in the hall. The twins go to the front of the hall and stand next to their parents. After the last villagers entered, Dongmyeong comes forth and holds a short speech: "People of this village. Today we are celebrating the return of my brother. After the war we were seperated in a sandstorm. Yesterday he conincidentally came into the village to help his friend and now we are reunited. Together we were also able to help our parents. So let's also celebrate their recovery. May they live a long and happy life, until their time has truly come." The people cheer and the party begins. They dance, eat and talk for a while.The maids and the butler walk around with snacks and drinks but Ravn notices that one maid just stands on the side and watches the royal family. She has a magical aura, it's the aura of a wizard. The maid sneaks towards the front door. Ravn looks over to his friends. They are fully engaged into the party, so he doesn't want to disturb them with assumption that might be wrong. He follows the maid outside. He sees her walk towards one of the stable of the royal family. "Where are you going?", Ravn asks. The maid turns around. "I'm just feeding the horses and camels.", she replies. "In the middle of the night?" Suddenly she shoots a fireball at him. Ravn dodges it. She turns into a dog and runs away. Ravn chases after her. They run in a circle around the city. Ravn slowly gets out of breath and at some point looses track of the maid. So he turns into a cat and searches for her. She needs a camel or a horse if she wants to report to the assassins guild in Doru. The stable of the royal army is nearby, so that's where he looks first. He climbs up a few boxes that stand in front of the stables window and looks inside. No one is there. There a two more stables in the village. One near the entrance for the villagers and the travelers and the one of the royal family where they were before. Normally someone would think that she wouldn't choose the same stable twice, but maybe that is exactly why she would choose to go to the first stable again. Ravn decides to go back to the stable of the royal family. When he arrives, he runs into his friends and Dongmyeong with his friends. "Why are you not inside?", Dongju asks. "I noticed that one of the maids is a wizard and she acted suspicously. I followed her outside and it seemed like she wanted to steal a horse. When I addressed it, she attacked me." At this moment the maid comes put of the stable with one of the horses. "Oh, your majesty. What are doing here? Shouldn't you be inside and enjoy the party?", she says. "Why are you stealing my horse?", Dongmyeong asks in what Ravn guesses is supposed to be a stern tone but he only sounds even cuter.
The maid just stands there and examines the group. She tries to launch a surprise attack at Dongju who stands a little bit on the side but he blocks it with his shield. She tries to run away. Hwanwoong starts to sing something and a cactus grows out of the ground. She trips over it and falls to ground. Geonhak and Harin pick her up. She tries to wiggle out of their grip but fails. Once they are inside, Dongmyeong tells the guards to take her to prison. "I guess we have the traitor who poisened your parents now.", Giwook states. "Hopefully. Either way, we will party now while she rots in a dirty, cold cell.", Dongju says. The twins giggle and disappear onto the dancefloor.
"Isn't that a little mean?", Seoho wonders. "She almost killed his parents.", Keonhee replies. "But it's still a little mean to say something like that.", Seoho says and pouts. "Don't take it too serious. You know he  is a savage sometimes.", Hwanwoong states.
The party goes on for a long time. After a while they just sit down in front of the throne and talk. Slowly, one by one, they start to fall asleep until all of eleven of them are asleep and cuddling on the floor together.

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