A New Beginning

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Chapter 1
A New Beginning
Angelica P.O.V.

Today is my first day at a new school and although I should be excited I just can't. The reason for this is because last week, me and my dad had to move to another town since his job relocated to a different location so we moved near his work.

Now I will attend to a different school called "Freedom High School." This school is not just any ordinary school. This school is for students who wants to pursue their career in performing arts.

It's said to be a 5 star rating because of it's equipments and "high class students." My dad's boss was kind enough to help me get into the school for a better education.

Dad said that I should be very grateful to go to this kind of school, because it can improve my education skills (or at least that's what he thinks.) Now don't get me wrong.

I am very grateful to have the chance to get in this school believe me, but when you're suddenly transferring to a different type of school for the first time, you start to get nervous.

While I finished picking my clothes out for school, and putting some light makeup. I start to head downstairs to see if dad was ready to go and to my surprise he was already in the car honking at me to get in the car.

"Angelica, hurry up! You don't want to be late to your very first day at a new school do you?" I kinda did want to actually, but I know that I can't disappoint dad, not when he's this happy.

"Don't worry dad, I'm coming!" I got in the car and we drove off, the only thing that ran through my mind was to let today go by fast. Honestly I wish there was some way to transfer my friends to the same school I'm going to, like some sort of time machine or something.

After what felt like forever he stopped the car. "We made it." he said. I looked out the window and was shocked. The school was huge and the campus looked very clean.

You could tell right away that this school was very expensive and only rich students could enroll here. I got out of the car and looked back "Bye dad have a great day, try not to work too hard, okay?"

He started to laugh. "Don't worry Angelica I'm not that old." We both smiled and then he left. As I entered the school, I noticed that not only was the school huge and clean, but the students here seemed very formal and looked mature I was amazed, but also very nervous.

I somehow managed to make it to the office without getting lost, I was so relieved. I walked inside and sat in one of the chair that was close by. "Angelica?" I turned around and saw a pretty girl staring at me she had straight brown hair with green eyes.

Woah if I didn't know any better I'd say this girl's some model from New York. I realized that I haven't said anything for like 10 seconds, probably more? I stood up "Y-Yes that's m-me."

I've never stutter before so this is embarrassing... curse beautiful people. She started to smile. "I'm here to take you to your class, shall we get going?"

I nodded my head and we left. She showed me a tour of the school before we went to class so I could get to know the school a little bit more. "Every student here is required to take an elective class, to find what career they want to take after they graduate. This is very important not only for the teachers, but for us students to see what kind of capability we have."

Geez, I would have never thought that finding a class that we like was this important. If I would've known, I'm pretty sure I would have faked my sickness the whole entire school year.

Then again I suck at acting, so either way I would have still had to come. The first class we visited was The Art Class. "In this class, every student is expected to put a lot of effort in their drawing and to have a better understanding of how they want to express their feeling towards their painting."

I looked around and saw a lot of students concentrated on their drawings. Even though they looked very serious, it also seemed like they were having fun.

Next was Band, this class had so many students and a lot of instruments too. "This is the class I have, we have a lot of concert so if you would like, you can come and visit us anytime" she said.

"I would love to go! Even though I don't know much about it, I can't wait to see your performance." We both laughed and left the classroom. While we were walking down the hallway she suddenly turned to face me.

"So what type of class do you want to take Angelica?" There's the question. I knew she was going to ask, but I didn't expect it to be this soon. I was a little embarrassed to tell her, but I could tell that she was very eager to find out what type of class I was interested in.

"Well you see ever since I was little I would love to sing, singing is the only way for me to express my feelings when I feel sad or happy, but after seeing these amazing classes I'm not so sure anymore."

She started to smile. "Don't worry, even though you're required to take a class you like, no one said you could only pick one." I looked up at her surprised.

"You mean you can pick more than one class?" she nodded her head "Of course you can! This school is all about finding the thing's you're interested in to make you have new experiences, and since you like singing, I think you might like the class that I'm about to show you."

Then she turned around and started to walk to a class that was nearby. "Welcome to The Singing Class!" she said. I looked around and was amazed by the sight.

There was so many people inside this class, they had microphones set up all over the room, a studio behind the curtains, and a stage that was brightly illuminated. I wasn't sure how I felt when I came to this school, but I'm certain about one thing. This is the class I have to be in!

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