A Long Day

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Chapter 21
A Long Day
Angelica P.O.V.

I could feel myself starting to get nervous as we got closer to the building of where my husband was at. Just looking at the sight made me scared

"You'll be fine princess, don't worry about it okay?" Mom said reassuringly to me.
"I know mom it's just... Very nerve-wracking." I said while getting my seatbelt off.

I started to get off the car and followed my mom up the building. Soon I noticed security guards up in front, but once they saw my mom they let us through.

Then we were on the elevator.
"Geez mom you really are well known around these parts aren't you?"
I said while glancing at my mother.

"I don't think it's that, I think he told his guards about who they would be letting in." Mom said while smiling at me.

The elevator started opening and a group of people typing on their computer started to come to our view.

"Mrs. Miracle, suis-moi s'il te plait."
(Mrs. Miracle, please follow me.)
Said a woman who walked up to us.
(Thank you) said my mom.

Once we started to follow her, I noticed how nervous I really was. Realizing that I don't even know what to say to them. But then my mother turned around and gave me a smile.

"C'mon princess, you got this."
And with that I got the courage to walk again.
"Thanks Mom." I said smiling at her.

"Nous sommes arrivés."
(We have arrived.) Said the woman. Soon she turned to my mom
"Il attend."
(He is waiting.) Then she left.

"Let's go princess, there waiting." Mom said reassuringly to me.
"Right." I said.
As I nodded my head, my mom started to open the door.

The first thing I noticed was the aura of the overpowering man sitting across the table. The second thing I noticed was my soon-to-be husband standing beside him.

Standing here like this made me realize about the situation we were in and I soon understood how cautious we need to be. Suddenly though the man got up from his chair.

"Ç'est tellement bon de te revoir!"
(It is so good to see you again!)
The man said while shaking my mom's hand. Soon he turned his attention to me.

"et tu dois être la fille!"
(And you must be the girl!)
Soon he started to shake my hand excitingly.
"Alors que penses-tu de Paris?"
(So what do you think of Paris?)

"Umm mom?"
I looked towards mom for help and she immediately understood.
"Je suis désolé qu'elle n'ait pas encore appris le français."
(I'm sorry she has not learned French yet.)

The man looked taken aback, but then regained his composure.
"I see, I'm sorry child. I had assumed that you already knew the language. Please excuse my rudeness."

I looked embarrassed for a moment, but answered anyways.
"No you're fine, I have been studying french for a while now. I guess I just wasn't prepared was all." I said while smiling genuinely at him.

"That's lovely to hear child." The man said smiling.
"Let me start over. My name is Valentino Black, I am the owner of Valentino Black Incorporation."

I nodded my head and soon he started moving away.
"And this is my son."
Soon the guy who was standing beside the chair walked towards me.

"Good afternoon, my name is Nathan Black and I will be the next owner of Valentino Black Incorporation." He started grabbing my hand and started to shake it slowly.

"What is your name beautiful?"
I felt myself about to blush, but ignored the feeling anyway.
I can't let this guy get to me! I have to remember what I came here for.

"My name is Angelica Dawn and I am the daughter of Iris and Nick Dawn." I said while smiling.
"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said smiling at me.

What the heck!? You can't be gorgeous and say stuff like that to me! It's unfair!
"Thank you very much." I said looking towards him.
"Of course." He said.

Then he turned towards my mom.
"Mrs. Miracle, I've heard so many stories about you and let me just say how lucky I feel right now to meet you. You're an inspiration."

My mom started to smile genuinely at him.
"Thank you Nathan, I'm very glad to hear you say that. But please call me by my real name." Mom said while shaking his hand.

"Of course Mrs. Dawn." He started to back up and once I glanced at my mom I knew I was losing her.

"Now that the introduction is out of the way, let's get down to business." Valentino said as he was walking out the door.

"Mr. Black? I thought we were doing our discussion here?" Mom said while looking towards him
"We were," said Mr. Black slowly.
"But it seems that not even my office is a private place."

I looked back at mom, but before I could see her reaction she responded. "Of course I understand." Mr. Black was nodding and then looked at his watch.

"Iris and Angelica, would you like to come with us to a dinner reservation we reserved. I promise the food there is excellent." Mr. Black said while smiling at us.

"We would love to, right Angelica?" Mom said while glancing at me.
"Definitely! I always wanted to try Paris's food!" I said excitingly.

"And you will," I looked behind me to see Nathan smiling at me.
"Shall we go?" Nathan held out his arm for me and before I realized what was happening he started holding my hand.

At first I was very surprised, but when I was going to ask him to let go he started to speak again.
"I hope you don't mind, but I just don't want you getting lost." He said while he glanced at me.

"No I-It's fine."
This is going to be a long day.

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