My Love

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Chapter 29
My Love
Gabe P.O.V.

Who would have thought that after everything that's happened to us, we would still be together as a family? I surely didn't see this coming. Not in a million years.

And to think that is was all because of a little girl named Angelica.

We actually just finished performing our last song for this year and I can assure you that it was the best performance we would ever have.

Our score will be coming in two days and I'm honestly not worried at all. Even if our performance didn't succeed their expectations, I know we'll be okay because we gave our heart and soul into that performance.

Honestly if I had the choice to go back and change it, I wouldn't. That's how satisfied I am with the performance we did and nothing is going to change my opinion.

I question how we will be performing next year. Will we still be here next year to perform our next song together? How will we exceed in our future together?

For now though, I will take my time on what is happening now. So that I can create my future, with them. There's only one last thing I need to do this year.

I know that if I don't do this now, then I will surely regret it. Which is why I'm currently heading towards an old abandoned park... to find her.

As I got closer to the park, I noticed that someone was already using the old swings.


She looked up and gave me a smile.

"Geez you scared me idiot."
She said while looking away.

I noticed her blushing a little bit, making my heart race. Even when we were kids it's been like this. Shaking my head I started to chuckle.

"To be fair it's kinda your fault for not being alert about your surroundings, sweetheart." I said while smirking at her.

She looked back towards me and gave me a glare.

"Oh shut up."

We suddenly began laughing together. It was always these moments that I loved about my life. Hearing her voice, her laugh, and most of all her smile.

"Is it alright if I can sit beside you?" I asked her.

She then shrugged her shoulders, so I took the chance to sit beside her.

It was all quite and all we could hear was the distance sounds of traffic going on. Then I heard her voice again.

"I can't believe you still remember this place." She said while glancing at me.

I couldn't help, but smile at her when she looked.

"Of course I do. How could I ever forget how I met you?"

She began to smile and I couldn't help but smile at her too.

"You really do, huh?"
She said while swinging a little.

"I really do."

I began to close my eyes and started to remember about that day.


"But mom why can't I go!"
I asked while looking up at my mother.

"Gabriel, if you don't go back to your room this instance and finish your homework then I won't allow you to go anywhere this month."

Mother said while putting up the dishes.

"Fine!" I began to run outside and all I heard was my mother behind me calling out to me, but all I did was run.

I didn't know where I was going, all I know was that I ran straight ahead without looking where I was going. I soon started slowing down when I heard voices up ahead.

"A park?"
I looked around and saw people walking around while children were playing.

I then decided to sit near a swing that was nearby and sat down. When suddenly...

"Hey! What are you doing here?"
I looked over my shoulders to see a pretty girl who was currently glaring at me.

"I'm sitting on the swings?"

"But you can't!"

"Why's that?"

"Because that's my seat!"

I looked at her dumbfounded and began to laugh.

"What's so funny!"

"I'm sorry, it's just that I've never seen a girl get so worked up about a swing before. Is it important or something?"

She then began to blush then looked away.

"It's because this is where I sit when I'm sad."

I looked up at her again to see her looking down. So I began to get up and sat on the seat beside her.

"Alright I'll sit here then." I said while glancing at her.

She began to sit down and thanked me.

"What's your name by the way?" I asked her.

"It's... Lily" she said while blushing.

I then began to take out my hand for her.

"My names Gabriel, but you can call me Gabe." I said smiling genuinely at her.

She then gave me the brightest smile and took my hand.

"It's nice to meet you Gabe!"

~End of Flashback~

As I reopened my eyes I looked over at her to see her staring at me. She then blushed and looked away.

"D-Don't get the wrong idea! I only looked at you because you looked stupid for a moment."

I began to smile and reached out for her hands. Then she looked towards me with wide eyes.

"If it's alright with you, would you always look at me like that? Not as a stupid friend."

I began to lean towards her while placing my other hand to her cheeks.

"But more of as a boyfriend?"

She then began to smile sweetly while her cheeks were still tinted with pink. Then she put her hands over mines and began to lean in as well.

"I would love to, just promise me one thing." She said while tilting her head.

"And what's that my love?" I asked her.

"Don't make me regret this decision." She said giggling a little.

I soon began to smile genuinely at her.

"I promise my love, you won't regret it."

Then we began to kiss, on the same day we first met.

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