Towards You

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Chapter 24
Towards You
Angelica P.O.V.

My heart was racing so fast that I was feeling my head getting lighter by the minute. To think out of everyone in the world it had to be... Shades' father.

For now though, I'm more concerned about Cole. He must be so devastated to the max right now. I have to get there quick!

Which is why I'm currently in my dads' car with my mom impatiently tapping on the floor while glancing at my phone to look at the time.

"Princess?" Dad said while looking at his mirror.
"Yeah dad?" I asked.
"Can you stop punching my seat while I'm driving... Cause that would really help." Dad said while smiling.

As I looked down I noticed that the seat had small dents. So I looked up at him and gave him a sheepish smile.

"I'm sorry dad... It's just... I'm really worried about him." I said while looking down at my lap.

"It's okay sweetie, but it's 2:48, I'm sure he's asleep by now." Mom said while glancing back at me. "I hope so." I responded while looking out the window.

Soon enough we made it to the house and as soon as my dad turned off the car I opened my door and slammed it shut while running towards the door. From behind I could hear my dad calling me.

But I didn't turn around to hear what he said. Suddenly the front door opened.

I looked up and saw Crystal looking at me from the door. As soon as I realized it was her I gave her a huge hug.

"I'm back home..." I whispered to her.
"Welcome back..." She whispered softly. Then she let me go.
"Where's Ross?" I asked while looking around.

Then she gave me a sad smile.
"He's... Handling some business right now." She said while looking towards my parents.

"Crystal, I'm so glad you're okay." Mom said while walking towards her to give her a tight hug.
"Thank you Iris, the same goes to you as well."

"Angelica, go to your room and sleep while you still can okay?" Dad said while looking towards me.
"Sure dad I will." I nodded my head and started heading up the stairs.

Once I got there I started heading towards Cole's room.
"Yeah right! I have to see him now!" I whispered to myself.

As I got closer to his door, I started to breathe in slowly and opened the door.

Once I closed it behind me softly, I went towards his bed to see him sleeping. As I got closer I could tell that he has been crying.

"I'm home stupid... You probably don't care, but I'm here to help you now okay? I won't leave you ever again." I whispered softly while brushing his hair out of his face.

But before I could leave, something or more like SOMEONE grabbed my arm.

With my heart beating fast and my face feeling hot, I turned around as slowly as possible only to find a pair of blue eyes staring right back at me.

I felt like time had stopped before me, so I took the time to look at every detail of his face. When suddenly he spoke again.
"You're really back..."

Before I could respond I was suddenly being pulled down to the bed with him. Suddenly I felt his arms wrap around my body as he buried his face in my neck.

"I've missed you... So, so much!" He said while bringing me closer to him. The overflowing feelings that I felt for him started to explode with joy.

Soon I started to smile.

"Yeah I'm home." I said while hugging him back. We stayed like that for a while and then I let go, but only just a little bit so I could see his face.

As I held his face I could clearly see now how heart broken he was feeling right now.

"It's okay Cole, everything is going to be okay. We're going to get through this together." I said while wiping away his tears. As soon as he nodded he went straight back to hugging me again.

"Cole, I have to go back to my room." I said while trying to get out of his arms.

Even though I didn't want to, I knew for sure that my dad would kill me if he found out I didn't go to my room like he said.

"No, not this time." He said while hugging me tighter.
"But Cole I--"
"Please!" He said with a broken voice.

I stopped moving and look towards him.
"Please Angelica, don't leave me again. Stay with me for just a few more minutes." He said with a trembling voice.

My heart broke just hearing him, so I stopped moving and wrapped my arms around him tightly. Once he looked up I started to speak again.

"I promise I won't leave you again. I'll stay with you the whole night okay?" I whispered softly to him while running my hands through his hair.

"Thank you my Angel..." He whispered softly.
"W-what did you say??" I asked bewildered.

Before I could get a response it seemed that he fell asleep already. Hearing him snoring softly I began to smile.

"I know you're in pain right now... Just know this isn't the end. We're going to get through this together, okay? Because this time... I won't ever leave you again."

As I looked down I noticed that he was smiling softly.
"Cole are you awake?" I asked.
But I got no response.
"Hmm just my imagination." I said.

Soon I started to drift off to sleep while being in the arms of someone who I truly loved.

Cole's P.O.V

"Hmm just my imagination."

No it wasn't your imagination my Angel.

Seeing you sleeping in my arms made me realize something.

That you're finally back now... And I'm not planning to let you go ever again.

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