Meeting Tough Obstacles

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Chapter 4
Meeting Tough Obstacles
Angelica P.O.V.

    I couldn’t move at all it felt like I was frozen. Out of all the people, why did it have to be him! As I stood there shocked, all he did was smirk at me. I was finally able to get myself together and looked at him.

   “Nice to meet you Cole, my name is Angelica” I started to smile and all he did was just stare at me. I was feeling a little self conscious, but I couldn't let him know that.

   “Look Cole, I understand that you don’t like the idea of becoming partner, but please understand that I didn't make that decision. The only reason I signed up for that class was because I love singing, I was really happy to find out there was even such a class. Even if you don't like the idea of becoming partners know this. I will not be leaving that class, no matter what.”

   I looked at Cole and saw him… smiling? Is it me or is this boy really cocky? He suddenly started walking passed me. Then he turned around and said “Fine, I’ll be your partner”

    Yes I knew this would work! See not everyone is mean.  “-on two condition.” … I knew it was too good to be true. I know I am going to regret this, but if it means I can stay at the singing class then I’ll do it.

   “Alright what are the condition?” I asked. Then he starts to continue. “One, you will not tell anyone about us living together.” Sounds easy enough. “Two, you’ll listen to what I have to say, got it?”

   I already regret this decision. After a minute ​of thinking I finally decided. “Fine, you got a deal.” He then nodded and walked away. So I just stood there... Coming up with names to call him in my head

"Angelica! Dinners ready!"
"Coming Dad!!" I almost forgot about dinner. As I walked in, everyone was already in there seats getting there food.

It might not feel like it now, but I can tell that this will feel like a family soon. As I sat down I looked up across my seat to Cole already eating his food.

That Cow! I'll show him who's the boss. For now though I hope he just chokes on the fo--
"Are you done staring at me?" That's when I noticed him already looking at me.

"Who said I was staring at you? I was just looking at the window behind you" He looked behind him and started to smirk.

"You mean the mirror, babe?" I looked behind him and that's when I realized what I said. "J-Just shut up will ya! I'm trying to eat my food!" I quickly looked down and started to eat my food flustered.

"Sure, whatever you say." He started to shake his head and started to eat again. You know what, I take what I said back. I will never accept him as family!

After I finished eating my food I excused myself from the table and started to head upstairs.  I decided to brush my teeth and find my pajamas to sleep.

Once I was finished I got on my bed and tried to go to sleep by closing my eyes. With everything that's happened today, I knew one thing... There is no way I was going to sleep.

I started to get up from bed and started to think of ways I could go to sleep. Maybe if I go outside and clear out my mind I'll be able to go to sleep?

Once I got outside, I felt the small breeze of the wind hitting my cheeks. I decided to walk to the backyard to sit down at the bench that was nearby. Once I looked up , I saw that it was a full moon.

"Mother would have love this.” I thought.

   I looked down and sighed. It’s been a long time since I talked to mom. I used to call her everyday at night, but about a year ago she wouldn't answer my call.

Until one day, I received a letter in the mail from her.


“To my dearest daughter, Angelica
I'm sorry I haven't called you back dear. I have to work very hard this year, and I haven't even had the time to go back home yet. I hope you understand, that I won't be able to talk much with you like I did last year. Until I do come back though, I just want you to know that I love you very much and I hope you have a great day. Remember I won't forgive you if I found out you've been eating chocolate every day. I’ll call you when I get back.


Months passed since I received that letter and all I did was wait, but nothing came. Sometimes I wonder if she was lying so that I would stop calling her, or that maybe she really never thought about coming back, but Dad said to never think like that.

   He would always say that mom would never lose her love for her only daughter. Although I wanted to believe that, it was starting to get really hard each passing day.

   I just hope that one day maybe soon, that I’ll get to see her again and if I can, I’ll get her a big surprise and then after that we’ll go to the zoo and see the different animals and then we’ll---

   “What are you doing out here?” Startled I jumped from the bench and look behind me, surprisingly It was Cole. “Oh Cole, it’s just you, I just couldn’t sleep so I thought coming outside would make me sleepy.”

   He started to stare at me which felt like forever, but then he spoke up. “And did it work?”
What is he talking about? Oh wait. “Oh Yeah! It did! Haha well I’ll be going now, Goodnight Cole!”

   I ran passed him all the way to my room and close the door softly. I went back to bed to sleep, but couldn't control my heart beat. Then it hits long was Cole there for? …

   Oh well I'm too tired to think right now. School starts tomorrow and if I wanna wake up early might aswell go now. I started to get sleepy, and soon went to sleep.

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