My Reason

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Chapter 15
My Reason
Angelica P.O.V.

After we signed up to pick our groups for the competition, we all went back to out regular classes. Soon enough, it was time to go home.

As I was about to head out, I heard someone calling my name from behind me.
"Angelica! Wait up!!"
I stopped and turned around.

"Hey Gabe what's up?"
As he got closer I noticed that he was panting.
"Do... Do you always walk... this fast?"
He asked while catching his breath.

"Hmm now that I think about it... Yes!"
I said while smiling triumphantly
"Yeah, I can see that now."
Gabe said while chuckling.

"Nah, but seriously though. What's wrong?"

"Ah about that, is it alright if we can go sit down first? You kinda left me with no oxygen here." He said while smiling.

"Haha sure just let me text my dad first."

As he nodded his head, he turned around to go find the nearest bench to go sit on.

To: Dad

Hey Dad! I'm going to be a little bit late, but don't worry I'll be back soon, just need to talk with a friend for a minute. See ya soon


As I put my phone away, I started to head to where Gabe was at and sat beside him.
"So what's up?"
He started to sigh and then began to look up at the sky.

"So... I'm guessing you already know about Rosemary right?"
I started to nod my head slowly.
Why does he want to bring this up?

"I want you to be real honest with me then. What was your reason for signing up for the project?"
He turned his head to me and was waiting for my response

The reason I signed up?
As I turned my attention to the sky, I noticed that the sky was getting darker yet I could still see the stars, behind the clouds.

Now that I think about it, singing to me has changed over these past few years. It's not only because I wanted to get my dream job, it was far more than that... And I think I know what it is.

"The reason I signed up, was because I love singing. Ever since I was little, it has always been a dream of mine to someday be on stage and sing the songs that I wrote to share to the world. As time passed, the meaning of singing to me became more meaningful. Instead of it being a passion of mine, it has now changed into a goal. To one day sing in front of an audience and send a message throughout my song. For it to hopefully reach to someone who is in need for help."

I stopped looking at the sky and turned my attention to Gabe.
"That's why I signed up."

Gabe suddenly gave me a smile and sighed in relief.
"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that."

"What do you mean Gabe?"
I asked while tilting my head.
Okay now I'm officially confused.

"The reason why I asked you was because I thought you were going to turn out into one of those girls." Gabe said while shaking his head.

"Those girls? What do you mean?"
Gabe looked at me then turned back around to look at the ground.

"Ever since Rosemary left and the group disbanded, things wasn't going the same. The day we came back from school was the most disgusting day I will remember. I thought people would be asking if Cole was okay or if Rosemary was recovering well, but I was wrong. The day we walked in that classroom three girls had walked up to Cole and asked him to replace Rosemary to one of them. Cole immediately refused and said that no one would replace her. Day after day girls would still try to ask about the subject and of course he would refuse, that is... Until today."

Gabe looked back at me and smiled.
"Angelica, thank you for being honest with him. I really do appreciate it."

I was speechless, I didn't have no clue of what to say. To think that people could be that selfish, really made me angry. Cole must have really tried to control his anger for a long time.

"I'm sorry to hear about what you guys had to go through Gabe, but I hope you understood that I'm only doing this for my dream and nothing else." I said while giving him a serious look.

Gabe nodded his head and smiled at me.
"I know Angelica, I know."
Soon he got up and started dusting his pants.

"Well we should probably start heading home, I'm sorry for talking so long. I just really wanted to get that off my chest. Now that I know I can trust you, I will do everything I can to help you achieve your dreams."

I got up from the bench aswell and turned to look at Gabe once more.
"I really appreciate that Gabe. I promise to work hard so that this project will be a success."

Gabe nodded his head and gave me a smile.
"I'm glad to hear that."

*Bzzz* *Bzzz*

I look down and saw 7 messages from my dad and 9 messages from an unknown number. As I opened my dad's up, I saw that it only asked what time will I get back or asked if it was a guy or a girl.

"I need to get going, dad's gonna kill me if I don't leave now."
I looked back at Gabe who nodded in understanding.
"Alright then, I'll see ya tomorrow then?"

He asked while taking his hand out. As I grabbed his hand and shook it, I looked back up at him.
"Definitely!" I said while smiling.

After we both let go and said our goodbyes I started to head in the direction to where my dad was at.

"Oh that reminds me!"
I looked back at my phone to the unknown messages again and hesitantly open them.

From: Unknown

Hey Idiot are you back from school yet?

Hey don't tell me you got lost already?

Hey why haven't you answered yet?

Are you trapped again?

Do you need me to get you out!?

If you're reading this, just type me random letters, and I'll know you're in danger!!



















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