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Chapter 5
Angelica P.O.V.

It was morning and was also time to go to school. I went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. After that I walked out to put my outfit on.

I didn't want to put too much makeup on today so I only put foundation, curled my eyelashes and put mascara. Once I was finished, I ran downstairs to the kitchen to get my toast.

"Good morning Angelica." It was Cole's mother "Good morning Crystal!" I said smiling "Do you always get up this early?" she asked. "Of course" I said while nodding my head.

"Dad always says that being tired is never an excuse for being late." she started to giggled "I wish Cole was like you. Speaking about Cole."

She started to look around the living room and found Cole laying on the couch sleeping. "Cole! Wake up honey, it's time for school." she said.

"I'll go in a few minutes" he grumbled. Crystal started to look impatient. "You're going to be late Cole." Suddenly he looked up at his mom "Alright, I'll get up."

Then he started to glare at me and frowned. Geez what's his problem? It's not like I'm the reason he's sleepy. *BEEP* *BEEP*
"Kids!!! Hurry up, or you'll be late for school!"

Startled I answered back. "C-Coming Dad!" I was about to go to the car when I realized what Cole said yesterday. (One, you will not tell anyone about us living together. Two, you'll listen to what I have to say got it?)

"Ugh" I started to roll my eyes and frowned. Dad notices this "What's wrong Angelica?" I turned around and saw Cole coming towards us. If I make it to school with Cole, everyone will get suspicious.

I looked back at dad "I'm sorry dad, I just remembered that I was going to meet up with my new friend somewhere so that we could go walk together. So I can't ride with you today." Dad started to smile.

"Don't worry Angelica, I'll pick you up after school then, okay?" I nodded my head and ran off. Surprisingly I didn't get lost!

A few trips and falls here and there, but I still made it!! I started walking once I saw the school entrance that's when I saw Lily running towards me "Angelica!" She was waving at me "Lily!" I ran towards her.

I looked around and saw a lot of people gathered around the 3 boys, I then spotted Cole in the middle. How can anyone like him? I rolled my eyes. "So Angelica, are you ready to start your very first day at singing classes?"

I looked at her realizing that I have such a class first. "Of course I am." we both started to giggle and went inside the building. As we entered the classroom, a group of boys and girls were singing a beautiful song.

"So you finally made it, huh?" I looked behind me and saw Mr. Ryan. "Mr. Ryan!? I didn't know you were the singing class teacher?" I was shocked, but also very relieved.

At least it's a teacher I already know. "Why of course! I am the only music teacher here after all." I was surprised "That's amazing!" I said trying to hold my excitement.

He started to laugh "So Angelica, have you ever performed in front of an audience before?" he asked "Only in front of my parents not in front of a crowd." I said a little embarrassed.

"That's great! You see, your partner has been on stage many times before and is actually very good with audiences. So maybe he can help you get over your fear?" he smiled.

"My partner?" I asked puzzled then it hit​ me. That's right! That stupid idiot is my part-- "Don't worry Mr. Ryan I'll help her get over her fear soon." said a voice behind me.

"Why thank you Cole I'm sure you will. Well I'll let you two get started then." I looked at Lily for help, but she was dragged away from Mr. Ryan. Someone help me!

I looked at Cole who was now laughing, "What's so funny?" I asked. He looked at me and started laughing again "It's nothing, don't worry about it" Okay I'm starting to get little irritated.

"Honestly though, I don't think you should even be in this class. How can I teach someone who has zero experience about performance?" He started to shake his head.

"That's not true! I've been singing to my parents since I was little!" I can't get mad I have to stay calm. If I do I'll just be letting him win. He stopped laughing and looked up to me.

"You think that's experience? Anyone in this class can do that." I looked around the room and noticed everyone was staring at me.

"Like I said I don't think you should be in here, but since you already signed up looks like I have no choice now do I?" He sighed and started to shake his head.

I was so upset, not because he was basically embarrassing me in front of the class, but because I knew he wouldn't help me. I started to walk away from him. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

"Bathroom!" I said then I left. I went inside the bathroom stall and just stood there thinking "Why can't I get someone else who can help me?" Then I heard someone come in I don't know why, but I tried to stay quiet.

"Who does she think she is trying to make Cole waste his time for her?"
"I know right? She should be grateful that he's helping her." Said another girl.

"I don't care who she is, if she makes Cole fail I'm going to make her sorry she ever did." *Slam* I get out of the stall only to see myself with tears in my eyes.

"Geez, why am I crying? I didn't do anything wrong, right? I'm just confused that's all... right?" I wash my face hoping the puffiness doesn't show and left.

I go inside the room when suddenly I see Cole look up and started to walk towards me. "Listen Cole, I'm sorry I left I didn't feel well so I'm sorry for making you wait we can start now if you want, but then again it's almost time to go to our next class so there's no point now. Well there's always tomorr---

"Let's go." I stopped and looked at Cole who looked mad. "W-Where are we going?" I asked, but he didn't say anything. He just started taking me upstairs.

After we made it he asked "Why were you crying?"
"How did you---" "Your eyes are still puffy stupid. Geez getting upset because I laughed at you? Listen up, I can't be partnered up with someone who will cry about the smallest things. Get a grip!" He snapped.

After he said that I was hurt. "You know what! You want to know the real reason I cried? I have to be partnered up with a person who won't help me get over my fear of singing in front of an audience because he thinks I'm some kind of joke!"

"Just because I'm new doesn't mean I don't have any potential! Not only that, but if I even make you fail, your so called 'Reputation' will get ruined because of me. Well I'm sorry I'm not good enough!"

I stopped myself from saying anything else because it was getting too much for me "I just wanted to be in a class to learn about music, but still have fun... I never asked for this."

Once I looked up at Cole and saw him look lost for words. He loosened his grip on my arm.

So I took the chance to run away from him.

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