Heart Break

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Chapter 17
Heart break
Angelica P.O.V.

I just stood where I was looking at Cole's face. He was still crying, but I knew it wasn't from sadness they were for happiness. So I decided to speak up.

"Then what are you doing here silly?"
Once he looked up at me with surprise, I gave him a smile.
"Go to her Cole, she's waiting. Besides you promised her, remember?"

Cole looked down at the ground for a moment then turned around to leave, but after two steps he stopped. "Angelica, I'm so sorry." Then he left.

As I saw him leave, I couldn't help, but let tears fall down on my face.

Feeling suddenly exhausted, I began to walk home.
As I got there,  I could see that Crystal was waiting for me outside.
"Angelica are you okay?" She asked.

I looked up at her worried face.
"I'm fine Crystal. I'm just really tired, I'm gonna head upstairs to sleep... Goodnight."

I walked past her before she could say anything. As I got to my room and shut the door, I started to let the tears flow freely again.

"This is what I wanted all along."
I slid down to the floor and wrapped my arms around me.
"For him to finally see her again. To see her smile again. To let him know... She's still alive... So why?"

I began to feel sleepy and let my eyes close with one thought in my mind.

"So why does my heart hurt so much?"

~The Next Day~

The morning sunshine had now reached my eyes, as I began to open them. As I looked around me I noticed I was in my bed instead of the floor.

Ignoring how I got up here in the first place, I started to get ready for school.
As I went inside the kitchen, I noticed that Crystal and Mr. Ross were the only ones' there

"Good Morning Angelica" said Mr. Ross
"Good Morning Sweetie!" Said Crystal.
As I slowly sat down across from them I greeted them back.

"Um do you know where my dad is right now?" I asked both of them.
"Your father is meeting up with an important person today so he should be back soon." Mr. Ross said.

"Oh okay..." I nodded my head and began to get up.
"Are you leaving already honey? You haven't even eaten your breakfast yet." Crystal said while getting up.

"Yeah I'm gonna go early today, I'm kinda not hungry right now." Crystal gave me a worried look.
"Do you at least need me to take you to school?" She asked, but I shook my head.

"Don't worry Mrs. Crystal, I just need time to think alone right now." I gave her a smile and walked out.

As I made it to school I immediately went inside of the Singing Class, but not even Gabe, Lily, nor Shade was there.

"Angelica, good morning." Mr. Ryan said while walking towards me.
"Good morning Mr. Ryan." I said while begining to sit down in my seat.

"Is your group here yet? They usually get here early." He asked while looking around.
"Not today, there going to be a..  little bit late." I said while looking down.

I felt Mr. Ryan staring at me, but as I looked up he gave me a small smile. "Alright, I'll let you have a break today okay?"

I nodded my head and looked out the window. I noticed the forest that I went with Cole yesterday and suddenly felt myself feeling lonely.

"It's official, I'm going to the hospital." With that thought in my mind I looked forward at the board to see Mr. Ryan starting class.

Soon it was the end of the school day so I decided to visit the hospital. As I got closer, I noticed that my dad wasn't in the parking lot.

"Looks like I'm walking then." With that thought in mind, I started walking towards the hospital that was nearby the school.

As I got inside a nurse was looking towards me and gave me a sincere smile. "How may I help you today?" She asked me.

"Um... yes I was wondering if I could see Rosemary Underwood?" I'm just realizing that I don't even know if this is the hospital she's in. Soon she started typing on her computer.

"Okay, she's in room 302, down the hall on the left." She said while giving me a slip. "May I ask if you're a family member or a friend."

"I'm a friend..." She nodded her head and turned her attention to the person behind me. So I started to walk to where she told me to go.

"I'm fine Cole haha quit helping me."
That must be Rosemary.
"No, I'm serious let me help you."

I looked inside the crack of the door and saw Gabe, Cole, Shade, and Lily sitting around Rosemary.
"Cole I'm fi--agh!"
Soon Cole picked Rosemary up in a bridal style.

"You should take this opportunity now Rosie, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity." Gabe said while smiling.

"Haha look who's blushing!" Lily said while giggling.

"Try not to kiss in here guys." Shade said while smirking at Cole and Rosemary.

"Shade!" Rosemary said while smiling.
"We'll try not to." Cole said while smirking at Rosemary.

My feet started to walk away from the door unconsciously. Soon I turned my body away from the door and started to head towards the exit.

As I walked out, I saw my dad waiting for me.
"Come here princess." As he opened his arms to me, I ran towards him and began to let it all out.

Seeing all of them together made me realize a lot of things. I can see what he meant when he said no one could seperate them.

Not even me, because by the way I see it, I was never in his eyes to begin with.

"I have a surprise for you."

I looked up at him with a questioning face. "What do you mean?" I asked.
Soon he started backing away, as a woman was walking up towards me.

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