Encountering Destiny

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Chapter 2
Encountering Destiny
Angelica P.O.V.

    After I signed up for The Singing Class the bell rang and everyone was packing up “Well it’s time to go to our class Angelica, you ready?” To be honest I feel terrified, but after seeing the classroom and meeting a person that was not only pretty, but nice as well, I think I can say I'm feeling better than before.

   “I can’t wait!” I said. While we were walking back I decided to speak up. “Thank you so much for showing me around, I feel like I’ve been here for a month already.”

    I'm not kidding, it hasn't even been 15 mins and I can assure you. I can now tell the difference between the classroom and a bathroom.

   “Anytime, if you ever need help just tell me, I’m always here to help.” I smiled “Oh, that reminds me! What is your name?” I asked. “That’s right! I never did tell you did I? I’m sorry. My name is Lily and I'm the school's office assistant.”

    Woah office assistant… is that even a class you can do? I smiled and said “Nice to meet you Lily!” I put my hand out. “The pleasure is all mine Angelica, I hope we can be good friends!”  We both shooked hands and started to laugh.

     I can tell for sure we're going to be great friends. Soon we made it to our destination. As we started to walk in, the first thing I saw was a bunch of girls gathered up in a desk.

   They all seemed so excited, I tried to see why they were all gathered around for, but I couldn't see. I turned to Lily to ask what was going on, but once I did her face expression was one of sadness.

    I was going to ask what was wrong, but then she turned to me and immediately disguised her face by smiling. “Right I forgot to tell you something else Angelica.”

   Telling by that expression she gave earlier, I could tell it was going to be some bad news. “The reason why there's so many girls gathered up in that desk over there is because we have some very important and popular guy's in our class, the boy on the left is Shade, the boy in the middle is Cole, and the boy on the right... is Gabe. I suggest you be careful of what you say to them Angelica.”

     I looked back at them and I could see them clearly now. The boy on the left had blonde hair with hazel eyes (Shade). The boy on the right had brown hair with brown eyes (Gabe), but the one that got my attention was the boy in the middle who had black hair and blue eyes (Cole).

     I looked over at Lily who was now staring at one of the guys who I assume is Gabe. She turned to look at me and sighed “I’m sorry I shouldn’t tell you what to do, I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

    Get hurt? Please have you've met  me? I can manage to slip on air just by walking, I think I'm good. “What do you mean by that Lily?” Lily looked hesitant for a moment before she started to speak.

   “Well how do I put this? Let's just say those boys have a reputation. It doesn't matter who it is, they don't like people being in their way.” I shoulda known they were bad news.

   “Well at least we only have classes with them here haha am I right?” Judging by her expression it seemed that I gave her the wrong answer. “Actually Angelica, one of those guys have classes with you in the singing class.”

   Dang it, just when I thought my day was getting better. I started to sigh, but then I looked at Lily who looked really upset. “Hey it's okay, if they get near me I'll use my secret moves that I learned from Karate Kid! Trust me I may not look like it, but I can assure you these noodle arms can knock a lot of people out.”

   (That's a lie, I can't even throw a basketball into a hoop without using a ladder.) Lily looked at me for a second and started to laugh. “Thank you Angelica. Since class is about to start, why don’t you sit with me?”

   I looked at her very confused “Wait, doesn’t the teacher decide where the new students sit’s?” She was about to say something when suddenly *BAM* I turned around quickly startled by the sound at the door.

   A man with slick back blonde hair with brown eyes was standing there with a guitar in his hand. Woah, If this guy was younger I'm pretty sure he could have lots of girls falling to their knees in under a second.

   Wait a second… guitar? He was looking around the room and then looked directly at me. “Miss Angelica, am I correct?” This guy must be the teacher. “Yes sir?” he smiled at me.

   “I’m your teacher Mr. Ryan, Nice to meet you.” Looks like my suspicion were correct. “Nice to meet you too Mr. Ryan!” He started to laugh. “I’m sorry if I scared you, you see every time there is a new student who comes to this school it's my job is to make them feel relax. Even though this is a big building, it’s still a place to get your education haha.”

    That doesn't explain the guitar… but I'll go with it. “Okay you get to sit wherever you want doesn't matter to me.” Don't have to tell me twice, I was about to start walking to sit with Lily when suddenly he stopped me.

   “Oh Miss Angelica one more thing” I turned around. “Yes sir?” If he's going to scare me again he's got another thing coming, but It looks like I was wrong. “If I am correct is it true you signed up for the singing class?”

    I started to nod my head yes, then suddenly the room got quiet. “Oh okay well just a little heads up, in that class you must have a partner to do singing duets or groups, that way you won’t sing alone.”

    I smiled and responded “Thank you for telling me Mr. Ryan.” “No problem.” he said then I turned around to walk back to my seat. But while I was walking back I felt that I was being stared at by everyone.

    When I made it to my seat people started to whisper and giving me look of... jealousy? I looked at Lily confused, but to my surprise she was covering her face with her hands.

   “What’s wrong Lily?” I asked. She turned to me worried. “Angelica I am so sorry, this is my fault.” “What do you mean?” I asked. “Angelica, in that class everyone has their own partner.”

    I nodded. “ Yeah I know that, but what's the problem with that?” She sighed “ Yeah, except for one person.”  “Who is it?” I asked. Lily hesitated for a second and then she spoke again.

   “The person who doesn’t have a partner is Cole.” The second she said that I looked back up only to encounter a pair of blue eyes staring right back at me.

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