chapter 4

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We arrived at home, it was on the first floor H letter. When we enter the door you are already in the dining room, to your right you have another door were are more rooms and the bathroom we all shared.

It's been long time I was here, you see the boys still live together but I already had my own house.

In the dining room against the right wall was the dinner table, the left wall had a piano and a little sofa and next the door to the kitchen.
And the wall in front of you well..that was Jimin room.

"Kookie?" I hear in distance "jungkook!" Jimin call again and touch my arm. That makes me wake up.

"What?!" I say looking a him how he had made some mistake.

"I was asking you to go to the pc on my room while I make dinner" he says in a puppy voice. I nodded and walk to his room.

His room is so different. Now his bed in the wall at the front, on the end of the bed he had a big teddy bear. In the right wall there was a mirrow, ahahah, obvious that Jimin had to have a big mirrow cause image matter ( I still remember that time when he was so sick about his weight) next to the mirrow was a dresser and in the top had all his make up, perfume and accessories. Next to that was a big bookcase with a lot of stuff and obvious his guitar in the top.
In the other wall was a big poster of daft punk.
In the wall of the door was a little table with the pc, so I sit there.

"Kookie... do you want your ramen of chicken or beef?" Chimchim said.

"Beef of course! Don't you know what I like?" I said like the obvious thing.

I open jimin lap top and start to go throw YouTube and put some music. I always were a fan of rock music and it's been while since I enjoy it.
I pick up the pc and go to the kitchen so jimin can hear this music.

I've hoped that it's just a lil' misunderstanding
of a personal branding or something like that
I'm gonna sing the truth

you said that
"I'm buying thirty records every week
but your music's like crap ain't in my dictionary.
that's why I know it's not even worth the listen"
what? where is this coming from tell me the reason?
"It hurts to have to tell a friend the truth
sometimes I'd rather disappear am I crude?
but I know my hit tunes is why they still love me
and you are a "just for now" you can't make history"

we'll call you Rock'd Star
a Rock"ed" Star (rocked so hard)
a Rock"ed" Star
yeah I don't want to be like you

come on, beat the hell out, eh la, of me
then get the hell out, eh la, of here
you're just a dummy made of shit
quit fucking bitching
beat the hell out, eh la, of me
then get the hell out, eh la, of here
because you know who you are
you're a great Rock"ed" star

stop your bitching motherfucker

"So do you like the music? It's a Japanese band" I say to jimin who is cooking and dancing a little.

He dance makes him so, how can a describe? Sometimes a angel and others sexiness herself.

"I like it! Is not much of my style but you can feel the message there" said jimin.

"Oh you like message? You should hear escape the fate ungreateful" I search on you tube.

This music is about bullying and how cause effect is true. Cause the boy that suffer bullying in the start is the son of the person who bully the father of the teenager who bully the first boy. It really makes you think.

"Woow that's...woow! I never had this happen to me but I know lot of people have" he says it with a sad face.

Jimin were not always a easy person. Yeah he makes pranks, smile a lot, pout a lot but when is about his feelings...well he never show them.

"It's ready! Let's go to the table" jimin says.
Thank you so much!

Sorry to just update now but I have been with a lot of work.

Today I'm gonna update this one and the chapter 5.

Thank you for the support!

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