chapter 15

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So I arrived at the bar that me and V use to hang out. I enter the bar and see V sitting in our usually table.

"hey jungkook! wow what is with that face of yours?" he asked me.

"what to you mean?" I asked him and at same time touching my face, to feel what he is saying.

"You seem so angry" oh thats what he meant. Yeah I never can hide what I think about cause my facial expression say it all.

"I don't want to talk about it V, I just want to drink" V look at me with a worried face.

"kookie... Jungkook I mean, I don't see you like this since that last girl that broke your heart! what happen?!" I didn't want to think about Jimin right now, I become even more angry. thinking that probably he is crying in Suga arms right now, and even more. I ask for a shot of tequila.

"I dont want to talk about it V! I want to drink, so or you drink with me or Im gonna drink alone" I said to him.

V close his mouth and ask for the waiter so he can order a drink for himself. Drink after drink I start to lose all my thoughts, I was so drunk right now. I look in front of me and saw Jimin.

"Jimin what are you doing here?" I asked.

V looked at me in confusion.

"Jimin? where?" he asked

"Stop joking!" I laugh " you are here" I said and touch V.

Now V was really worried about me. he tries to pull me up so he could take me home. When V pull me up I lost my balance and  fall on the ground and start to laugh. 

V pull me up again and took me to the door so we could pick up a taxi and go home. In the taxi I never stop hugging V.

"Jimin you smell different today. Did you change your perfume?" I said while smirking

V didnt say anything and let me hug him.

we arrived home and V pull me to the bedroom so I could lay down on bed and sleep. But I pull V with me and he fall on the top of me.

"Jimin please spend the night with me again! sleep with me again!" I beg him.

Jimin Pov

I arrived at home to find one hell of worried Suga.

"where were you? you promised me, you would be here! I was worried sick about you!" he said with so much worry in his voice.

"Sorry I was a little late Suga, I was with kookie and his friends" I smile and hug Suga.

When I hug him. Suga hug me back and pat my hair.

"okay Jimin!" he said in a soft voice.

we stay there like that for a few minutes and then decide we should go play some video games cause last time we let a game half away and we never had the change to know who had win.













So guys sorry for the long time without update, but I was in a block.. I had no inspiration to write. And plus now I only have 1 day off work so I normally really tired in that day and the only think I do is sleep.

But I will try to write more!

love you all!


Hard LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora