Chapter 6

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We look and see our manager.

I don't know how Jimin heart is, but mine is like is gonna jump out of my chest. Wtf is manager doing here? And all of hours have to be now?!

"Hi manager" , say Jimin with a tremble voice and with his face all red. If someone doesnt know how to lie, that person is Jimin Park.

"Yo manager, why are you here? If you were coming I didnt have to be with Jimin like Suga said" I said like I was so trouble in my life to be here with Jimin. Like I wasnt go home and be all alone and looking at the computer playing games.

"Hi Jungkook, Jimin. I come here just to check if you two need something. Suga said he didn't know if there were food in the house" say manager with a concerned look.

"Aishh! That Suga sometimes. Like I don't know to buying food. Sometimes he is worse than Jin about protecting us but he always do that face like "I don't care". Say kookie imitating Suga.

Jimin start to laugh. Of course cause Jimin laugh's about any bad joke. Like Jin dadjokes. But that sound send shivers trough my spine.

"Calm down Jungkook. You two are fine right?I will report" said the manager.

we said goodbye to the manger and see him close the door. Then and awkward silence stay's in the air. I look at Jimin and he is being shy. He's cheecks are still red and he can't stop looking at he's hands while playing with the end of his sleeves.

I broke the silence "So let's go to bed" I see Jimin  move his head fast to look at me shocked, I smirked "I will sleep in Suga room".

I stood up and go to Suga room letting Jimin go to his.










Sorry guys! I haven't been posting the updates cause I had a little trouble with work!

thank you for still supporting me!

And be waiting for me! ^ ^

Hard LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ