Fighting for friends and people he loves. Atticus plea part 2.

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  A,N: Sorry for the wait you guys. Here is the next chapter. Hope you will enjoy it, even though it is not one of the long chapters. Please would love some feedback on what you think of this chapter. Thank you so much for reading it and follow me through this long writing journey. I really appreciate it. 😊 

Tara's p.o.v.

Atticus: 1700 Lp's.

Yusuke: 2600 Lp's.

"It is about time we stop this farce. You know who I am don't you?". the seaweeded male said and Tara's eyes narrowed in suspicion. Did Atticus know him?

"Yes, the person closest to me who gave me the darkness card.." Atticus mused out slowly and glared at the male "Yusuke Fujiwara!".

To say that Tara was surprised was an understatement. She hadn't realized this boy were Atticus old boyfriend, and by the look of it, Jaden and Jesse was unaware of this as well. The seaweeded male chuckled darkly at that, and removed his mask, which just confirmed it was really him. Tara's gaze fell over the bubble with Ember in it. Ember did look okay, even though she was surrounded in darkness. Her darkness, but still. Tara knew her powers were not hurting her on her orders, but Tara needed to get her out as quick as possible. After all too much darkness killed hope. She had not told Jesse this, since she knew how worked up he would become. He would do something rash, and in this situation they were having, that was not a good move. Her twin knew that as well. They both hated lying for their friend, but they just had to. One day they hoped Jesse and Ember would forgive them for it.

"That's Yusuke Fujiwara?" Jesse questioned and clenched his hands "He is the one having Ember?! He is so gonna pay for that".

"He is the guy who searched for the true world of darkness right Tara?" Jaden questioned as well "The one who started everything with Nightshroud". Tara nodded slightly. That was what her and Haou concluded.

"Yusuke, at that time, with the true darkness, I thought you were dead" Atticus now said and a tiny smile appeared on his lips "But you seem to be alive".

"Of course. To entrust my body to Nightshroud is not the same as killing myself" Yusuke responded and Tara's eyes narrowed. He sounded like them, being a vessel to someone. In this case Nightshroud. That couldn't be right, could it?

"If that is true, then why are you doing this Yusuke? Return the ones you captured and return their memories back to normal" Atticus said in a demanding tone.

"I understood the facts after I unified with Master Nightshroud and the true world of darkness" Yusuke responded slowly which made Tara look confused at him. Unified?! "In the world of true darkness, there is no winner or loser. Nor is there loneliness or suffering. All there is a sense of unity that penetrates all troubles. All intellects become one. All feelings of rejoice and suffering. Everyone is sharing them. That is victory beyond living. The ultimate victory that can be obtained without fighting. Don't you think it's such a wonderful world?".

"What in the world are he talking about?" Jesse questioned.

"Yeah, pure nonsense to me as well" Tara responded and narrowed. Had he lost his mind or been brainwashed in the world of true darkness?

"Yusuke! What happened to the other captured people?!" Jaden shouted at Yusuke.

"They are living in the worlds they desire" Yusuke replied and snort "Soon their existence will become meaningless, and by the real meaning, it's the start for the gate of the true darkness to be opened".

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