2- wait what?

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{edited :)}

The couple sitting next to me were just making out. It was kinda disgusting.

I couldn't concentrate. Thankfully they both went to the bathroom.

A couple mins later. The boy sits next to me, and kisses my cheek.

I yell "Why did you do that? Who are you!?"

He says "Andrea why did you change you clothes? You're joking. I'm Kian remember?" in a teasing way.

I respond "I don't know you, I didn't change, I'm not messing around!" In a confused way.

He puts his arm around me and starts to kiss my neck in a obsessive way. While I sit there with a huge confusing look on my face trying to move away.

His girlfriend comes over and says "Kian! What are you doing!?!?"

He immediately stops, stands up, and looks embarrassed.

I look at the girl closer and stand up.

"You look just like me" I say to the girl.

"No... You look like me" she says.

Kian starts to explain to the girl that he didn't notice it wasn't her.

But the girl didn't listen she was too amazed at me staring at me just like I was.

She finally introduces herself.

"I'm Andrea and you are?" She asks

I say " My name is Anna, I just moved here and wanted to hang out on the beach and soak up the sun. Until, your boyfriend came up to me and started kissing me"

Kian says "Oh my god! I didn't know I'm so sorry you two have the same exact face and it threw me off." He said with a worried face.

I replied "It's ok! I know you didn't mean it who could blame you we both look exactly the same it's not your fault."

Andrea replies "Kian it's ok I know you thought it was me and I forgive you." she says with a smile.

"So, where are you from?" Kian asks.

"I'm from New York." I say

"Wow, you remember New York Kian?" She says staring deeply into his eyes.

He smiles "Yeah I do."

I feel a uncomfortable thought of what they were doing in New York... and I ask "So, how long have you guys been together?"

Andrea says "1 year we just had our 1 year anniversary" she looks up smiling looking up at Kian, while Kian cuddles her and has his arm around her waist.

I said "That's great! I have never had a boyfriend"

She looks at me confused "Have you ever been asked out?"

I replied "I have a couple times but I turned them down."

She looks at me in a relieved way then asked "Why?"

And I said "Because I know they have a bad reputation I've been warned by my friends."

She says "That's good having great friends looking out for you."

I replied "Yeah I miss them back in New York."

Kian and Andrea talk to me for a while and we gave each other's numbers so we could stay in touch. Then I go home. When I got home I immediately knew me and my parents HAVE to talk ASAP.

I talked to my parents and I asked "Hey so, Mom I met a girl on the beach and she..."

Cutting me off My mom cuts me off saying "Say no more! You made a new friend! Already!"

"Yeah mom, but she looks as if she was my twin..."

"Oh, Anna..." Mom said in a sad yet awkward way.

I said "What?"

"Honey, you were adopted." She sits there feeling ashamed she didn't mention it earlier I think.

"Mom..." I say in a sad way.

"We had gotten you from a wonderful lady in Indiana. I'm sorry we hadn't told you earlier." she said with a ashamed look on her face.

I was in shock. I couldn't believe my parents haven't told me this till now. I'm absolutely feeling as if trust has been violated.

I actually told my mom "Ok." and ran to my room.

I asked myself why did she not tell me.

I immediately call my close friend Louie. Yes my closest friend is a guy. I kinda hang out with guys more then girls, but I have a couple close girl friends. I just don't talk to them as much as Louie and Kyle. They have to be my closest friends since Kindergarten. I start to call Louie hoping he will answer.

Thanks for reading!
Hope you like it!
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I know about the suspense you might be feeling! Don't worry!
Guess what's coming next! :) comment!

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