Daycare Date (Kim Taehyung)

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Taehyung was waiting on me so we could go on our date one afternoon,

I had no way of telling him about my mom dumping my little siblings on me at the last second, so I got stuck making sandwiches and building with blocks until I heard the doorbell ring.

"Coming!" I yelled as I got to the door.

It was Taehyung.

I just knew he would come over soon to see why I was taking so long.

I opened the door and let him in.

"Hi yeobo, I came over to see why you hadn't replied to my text."

He kissed my cheek while I held my youngest brother.

"I'm sorry Tae, my mom left with my dad and now I have to babysit."

I sat my brother Ethan down in the highchair.

"Babysitting? Can I help? I really love kids!"

Taehyung's joy-filled voice makes me so happy sometimes.

"Do you really wanna spend your date time with me as you get chased by six kids?" I said sarcastically.

"It kind of sounds like our future, doesn't it?" I blushed a bit at his sarcastic question.

"If I get these kids to sleep, then your parents will be so impressed and will totally let us babysit again." I shrugged. "Fine." He smiled.

He picked my little sister Vanessa up and ran to the center of the living room.

"Do you want to play dolls, Nessa?" He picked up her dolls and started making them walk around.

She had nodded and waddled her way over sit on Taehyung's lap, It was really cute seeing him around some of his own kind.

I went to the kitchen and started making little snacks for them to eat while they played. Taehyung came in soon after.

"Shhh, Nessa's asleep...stay quiet!"
He told me.
"Alright, are you taking her to bed?" I asked.

He nodded looking back at her lying on his back. "Where's her room?" I answered him. "Third door on the left." I directed him. "Thank you." He laughed.

I smiled at the scene of the two of them disappearing up the stairs.

"He's so cute." I whispered to myself.

"Y/N, Can I have a snack?" Ethan tugged on my shirt, pulling me back into reality. "Huh? Oh, sure." I held out the plate to him and he grabbed a cookie. "Thank you, Y/N." He said.

"You are very welcome." I kissed his cheek and he walked away still eating. Taehyung came back down the stairs after adjusting his shirt and moving his hair out of the way of his eyes.

"Well, she's sleeping, who's next?" He placed his hand on mine. "Ryan is reading to Dylan, you could help him out." I pointed to my little brothers.

"I can do that, no problem." He walked closer to the two kids. "Good for you."
I rolled my eyes as he walked over.

"What're you reading?" Taehyung sat on the arm of the couch as he watched Ryan continue to read.

"The Lion King." He answered.
"Can you help me read it?" Ryan scratched his head.

And started handing the book to Taehyung. "Timon and Pumba both ran over to wake the overheated cub..."

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