( REQUESTED ) Obsession Confession (RM X Reader)

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I had an idea about how this chapter was gonna go then I realized it was all based off of an episode of Austin and Ally...

mention a user

Namjoon came over to see if you were ready to preform your first duet together with him. "Remember when we sat at this piano and wrote our first song together?" He pointed at the piano and smiled. "Yeah, We've come a long way." Namjoon glances at you. "No, You've come a long way, You were a different person back then, That YN couldn't have even gotten on stage, But this YN can." He sighs and begins to pet your head jokingly. You smile and then realize it's become weird and request for him to stop. "Please don't pet me." You say while weirded out and smile. "Heh heh, Sorry." He puts his hand in his pocket. You smile up at him. "Thanks for coming over, You really didn't have to do this." "Hey, You're always there for me!" He grins. 

"No, Really, I mean you really didn't have to do this, I talked to my mom and I'm ready to perform." His smile drops. "But thanks." You pet him back. You both smile and laugh. 

"Let's do this." You grab his hand and blush. "Let's go." You both nod and run out of the door together.

You both stand up on the stage and start to warm up your voices together behind the curtains and he tunes his guitar.

"Let's do this thing." You sit down on a bar stool behind you.

"Ready?" He lets go of your hand and sets his on your leg. "Always." The curtains pull away and you feel a rush of a cold chill cover your body.
You both smile at the crowd and behind to sing and play guitar.


"When you're on your own, Drowning alone, And you need a rope that, Can pull you in, Someone will throw it." You sing and look at your parents who are cheering you on. "And when you're afraid, That you're gonna break, And you need a way to feel strong again, Someone will know it." He turns and smiles at you as your face beams light pink. You both start singing together at this time around.

"And even when it hurts the most, Try to have a little hope. 'Cause someone's gonna be there when you don't, When you don't." 

The two of you look all around the room again and sing the chorus.

"If you wanna cry, I'll be your shoulder, If you wanna laugh, I'll be your smile, If you wanna fly, I will be your sky, Anything you need, That's what I'll be,"

"If you want to climb, I'll be your ladder, If you wanna run, I'll be your road." You get closer to his face and stare into his brown eyes.

"If you want a friend, Doesn't matter when, Anything you need that's what I'll be, You can come to me."

You keep staring at each other until you remember you're on stage in front of people. The crowd stands up and cheers loudly as you gaze out at them. You both run backstage.

"I did it! I conquered my stage fright!" You hug him tightly. "I always knew you could do it!" 

He smiles and starts staring at your eyes again. "I'm so glad you were up there with me, That was incredible, I feel like I can do anything!" You jump in excitement. 

"I know I can do anything, As long as I'm with you." 

You look at him and he pulls you in close until your lips meet his. You both step away from each other and think about what just happened. "Well, That was...New!" You blush. 

"Definitely new!" He puts his hands in his pockets. And steps closer to you. "I'm sorry about the uh, You know, Sorry..." He scratches the back of his head. 

"You're fine, It was sweet, You really have some skills." You blush even deeper red. "He he he, Thanks, You too." You pull him in closer for another kiss.

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