SF9: Taeyang: Spanish

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This is my first time writing about ANY SF9 member, so please comment on it and let me know if it's accurate.

For:  ykihyun2219

"Alright, Let's do this."

Taeyang sat down his pen and paper.

"I think I'm ready, too."

You sat next to him and grabbed your pencil.

"So, tell me how this is gonna work."

"Okay, so the way this is gonna work is, I'm going to give you a sentence from the paper, and You're going to answer with what you think it says, Got it?"

You nod.

"Yep, this will be easy. I don't know why you thought this'd hard."

He eats a chip from the bowl to his right.

"I'm just worried, sorry, with our tests coming up soon and all. I just don't wanna flunk."

"It's gonna be fine, don't worry, I got this."

"Okay, here comes your first sentence."

He ran his fingers through his hair.


He cleared his throat. "Ahem, Hola, como estas?"

You smiled as he spoke. "Hello, How are you?"

"Yo pregunté primero."

He smirked.

"What? I asked how you w-"

He cut your sentence short.

"Muy bien, gracias."

"Oh, I get it, You said very good, Thank you."

You smiled.


He answered.

"Okay, the next one."

You said blushing.

Five minutes of the two of you learning and goofing off by placing pencils under your noses, It was time for the last sentence.

"We're almost done, awesome."

You nodded in response.

"Okay. I need you to repeat this one with me."

He smiled to the side sneakily.

"Okay...?" He cleared his throat. "Taeyang se ve perfecto hoy."

He raised an eyebrow as he spoke.

"Taeyang se ve perfecto hoy."

You spoke in the most attractive voice he had ever heard you speak in.

He leaned in towards your face as you spoke.

You had rolled your R in the sentence so perfectly.

"Lo dijiste perfectamente."

He smiled.

"Tu turno de contestarme ahora."

You licked your teeth.


He sat back up in his chair.

"What else do you know in spanish?"

You bit your tongue playfully and looked at him slowly.


You began singing in spanish.

"Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
Deja que te diga cosas al oído
Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito!"

"Nunca supe que te sentías así por mí."

"You're a dork." He grinned.

"I know." You smiled.

He got up from the table and you both started singing Despacito loudly as you laughed in his arms while the two of you had an all-around dance party in his kitchen.


hope you liked this chapter.

I absolutely love writing them.

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