NCT: NCT Dream: Getting Your Period

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A/N: I have been suffering really bad cramps as of recent, so this is for any of you that are like me.


--I feel like Jeno would make you tea and cookies.
--Not just ANY tea and cookies.

--Chamomile tea and chocolate chip cookies.

--He'd be so affectionate and calm when he was helping you out.


--Your cramps could be unbearable and you would still receive help from him.

--He would make sure you had as many tampons and pads as you needed.

♡♡He's such a sweetheart♡♡


He'd come home after practice and notice you weren't in the living room as usual.

He'd lock the door and go to find you, but then he'd hear your cries of pain coming from your room.

"Y/N?" He would knock and walk in quietly, seeing your stained sheets and messy appearance.

"O-ouch...I...I'm sorry Injunnie...I c-can't get up..."

You said in a small and hurt voice.

At first he would be scared after seeing your leg and sheets and thinking something bad had happened.

But then he'd realize what was going on once you said you needed to be warmer.

"Oh baby...I'm so sorry, I didn't know you started today..."

He felt bad. One half guilt, one half pride.

He smiled sweetly as he stepped closer, he kissed you and got you some new sweats from the drawer.

He started the shower and helped you into the bathroom.

"Take your time honey..." He'd wait.

He'd wash your sheets and blankets.



Donghyuck and Mark came back to your place the morning after practice day.

Your tummy had been acting up. BAD.

He and Mark had been playing Overwatch in the living room and he came up to check on you and noticed you were asleep with your right foot hanging down.

He leaned on the doorframe and admired your sleeping position.

He chuckled softly, turning aeound and trying to leave.

But then he saw a small puddle of blood on the floor by your foot.

He gasped a little and ran over to you, shaking your shoulder.

"Y-Y/N, wake up...!" He started to panic quietly.

You woke up to him shaking you and he pointed out your bloody state.

You ran into the bathroom and gave him your clothes outside of the door.

"Well, it's good it came earlier..."

He tried to cheer you up later.



Jaemin and Renjun had just finished a broadcast when they heard you started crying.

"Doooo you want to go check on your girlfriend?"

Renjun asked, untying his hoodie strings.

"Yeah I guess, she sounds pretty sad..."

He rushes up the stairs.

"Y/N baby?" He asks, walking in to hear you crying in the bathroom.

"I knew we shouldn't have had burritos..." He jokes.

"I-I'm serious Jaemin, I think I got 'it'..."

You say with a shaky voice, trying not to cry any louder.

He notices your voice shakes more.

"Ohhhh, I'm sorry babygirl."

He says, hearing you roll out some tissue.

"I'll go get some baby wipes and pads, okay?"

You nod, hearing him stand up.

"You go ahead and jump in the shower and I'll have Renjun lay out some clothes for you, alright?"

"Okay, thanks baby." You answered.



You and Chenle had been hanging out with a few friends, meaning Jisung, Jeno, and Donghyuck along with their girlfriends.

So while they all discussed about the scare they had when their girlfriends got their periods, you were upstairs, suffering alone.

You had really bad cramps, with the cold floor being only inches away from your dangling feet, you sat in the bathroom, trying to figure out how to fix your stained underwear.

You hear a faint knock on the door and answer, cracking the door.

"I heard you crying, did it come yet?" Chenle asked you with a whisper.

"Yeah...and I'm a mess..."

You close the door and he slides a few pads and a pack of baby wipes under the door.

"Awww, I'll run my woman a bath..." He teased, fixing up the tub for you.

"I laid some clothes out, enjoy your bath babygirl."

He leaves and you enter, undressing and getting in the tub.



You and him had just finished playing UNO and watching a movie.

You figured that your tummy had been hurting after dinner, but it was an indescribable pain.

You felt it travel downward and notice you had gotten wet while sitting with him.

But when you got up to go clean up, you ended up staining your white jeans.

The faint blue light of the T.V. shows the marking clearly.

You excuse yourself and go cleal yourself up in the bathroom.

He comes up when you are washing your hands and hands you a new pack of pads.

"I figured you wouldn't just disappear all of a sudden."

You smile and thank him, feeling the pain subside a bit.

"Thank you Sungie..."

You smile more, feeling him pick you up and bring you back to the couch to finish your movie.

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