BTS sending you cheesy text messages

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Taehyung in this GIF is to die for.


You: ...Jin?

Jin: Hm?

You: Do you like me more than pizza?

Jin: I would give up pizza forever to be with you.

You: Woah woah woah

You: Let's not get crazy

You: Pizza is like your favorite thing in the world.

Jin: Not true, you're my favorite thing in the world.

You: You know what the difference is between you and pizza?

Jin: No, what?

You: Nothing, you're both cheesy.

Jin: You're so nerdy sometimes. 🤓


Yoongi: How's my girlfriend today?

You: I feel terrible... 😯

Yoongi: Why?

You: I'm so ugly, I don't deserve to be your girlfriend.

Yoongi: No you're not, you're perfect.

You: I'm nothing but a ugly, un-needed, useless potato. 😡

Yoongi: Y/N please, if you were a potato, you'd at least be a sweet one. 💜

You:...Okay Yoongi, that was good, I'll accept it for now. 😊


You: Hoseok, did you send me a singing smiley face card in the mail?

Hoseok: Yes.

You: Why? You didn't have to sweetie, it's not my birthday.


At first I tried to send you something nice that would make you smile, but then the mailman told me to get out of the mailbox.

You: You're so cute, thank you.

Hoseok: You're very welcome, Y/N.


You: Namjoon wake up, you do nothing all day and you need to get out more!

Namjoon: First of all, I've been awake for three hours now, second of all, what do you mean?

You: You never doing anything, all you do is nothing!

Namjoon: I convert oxygen into carbon dioxide. I regenerate cells. I transmit nerve signals to my brain. I digest food. How is that nothing?

You: Never mind...


Jimin: Fan-girls call me Jimin, but you can call me tonight. 😎

You: I'll be waiting here at seven.

Jimin: Okay, see you then.


Taehyung: Hey Y/N, I lost my teddy bear, can you sleep with me tonight instead?

You: Awww Taehyung, that's really cute.

Taehyung: No, I really can't find Wookie-bear, help me out.

You: Pull back your blanket and he's there.

Taehyung: You're a lifesaver Y/N, thanks.

You: No problem.


Jungkook: Hey Y/N.

You: Hey Jungkook.

Jungkook: So, I heard you like bad boys...

You: Yeah I you know any who are available? 😹

Jungkook: Very funny.

You: 😝


Well I'm not trying to impress you or anything, but uh, when the Disney channel website told me to ask for my parent's permission, I didn't ask my parents...

You: Ooh, bad boy at it's finest, yikes, how will I ever get out of this one? 😂

Jungkook: How about it? you and me on Friday night at White Castle?

You: Sounds good, you better bring my slider coupons though, extra cheese please. 😆

Jungkook: I sure will, see you then.

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