SKZ: Insomnia - Hyunjin

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You wake up to see no light poking through your curtains and you know that you shouldn't be awake.

Your phone rings on a volume that's nearly silent.

You groan in annoyance, reaching over and answering the call.

You look at the contact photo on the screen and swipe it to the right.

"Y-Y/N..?" The familar voice calls to you.

"Yes baby?" You answer, yawning.

"I'm sorry for waking you up,  but I can't sleep..." He says lowly.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry, tell me what's on your mind."

"I can't sleep with so many thoughts running in my head..."

You listen to him, sitting up to rest on your arm.

"And then I start to look back on my day, wondering what I'll do tomorrow, but then my alarm rings..."

You keep listening to your boyfriend as he explains his situation calmly.

"I see..." You start out.

"It's complicated, but don't worry about everything."

You nod. "I'm still here for you though baby."

"And everytime that I CAN sleep, I feel scared because when I wake up, everything will be gone..."

"Baby, don't worry. I know how insomnia works, but I think I have a cure for it..."

"And it gets worse and worse each day, it follows me even in my matter how hard I try, I can't sleep..."I

You realize what he is saying sounds familar.

"Are you guys prank calling me?"

You ask while yawning.

"How'd you know?!?" You hear Jisung laugh beside him.

"I hate you all...goodnight..."

You hang up, hearing them all laugh in the next room over.


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