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Written by~srishti_chakraborty
Author of ~
1. Iniquity - A tale of Guilt And Love


Sitting on the recliner of her room, Suman was lost in her thoughts. The nails of her left hand were dying to scream in pain, but Suman paid no heed to them, as she continued chewing them off. Her mind playing one particular scene again and again.

Shravan smiled at some other girl. 
And he took her shopping too? 
Bloody hell!!
But he agreed for the mariage right?

Suman got off the chair as her frustration increased. In some part of her mind, she knew she was behaving illogical. Moreover the crushed rose she found in the cafe came to her vision repeatedly. Sighing and frustrated out of her wits, she rang up her best friend- Shruti.

"Hey sumo! Long time girl!", Shruti chirped as she picked up the phone.

" Hey!", Sumo replied totally dull and it took two seconds for Shruti to figure out that something was wrong.

" So what is it this time, that you are confused about?", Shruti laughed embarrassing Suman, but then that is what friendship is all about.

Suman snorted and told the entire story and unlike her, Shruti immediately understood the feelings she was refusing to acknowledge. And since she knew Suman really well, she also knew that she won't accept if told directly.

" Suman, see do not mind, but boys are boys afterall. If you don't give him the line, he will obviously look elsewhere. And about the rose, I think he might had something for you, but the way you refused, he would now think you are not intrested, which you are not anyway. So don't be confused about his flings, alright?", Shruti very easily manipulated Suman who had her mouth hung open, in shock.

"But he agreed for the marriage?", Suman asked in a very low voice and Shruti had to try really hard not to giggle.

" Yeah, but you only said na you guys will wait for the marriage. Who know what will happen during this interval?", Shruti replied, tongue in check, making Suman's heart sank further.

As they bid bye, Suman felt really low and insecure while Shruti had an evil smirk. Mr Shravan Malhotra owed her a big time now.

After tossing and turning on the bed the entire night Suman decided to talk to him directly. If he wasn't intrested in her, and the thought really hurt her, she would let him go. But what if the guy she finally agreed to marry in future didn't understand her the way Shravan did? The turmoil was too much to bear and fidgeting with her fingers, Suman finally landed on Shravan's door, unannounced.

Three knock, three times. Suman smiled at the memory. She remembered when they had first become friends, and started hanging out at each other's, the society usually got disturbed due to their late night knocks at each other's door. Henceforth they had decided this, three knocks, three times. It also help them to not entertain anyone and everyone at their doorstep. Smiling Suman knocked again.

But to her dismay, a girl answered the door, the same girl he was smiling and talking to, to be very precise. It was freaking 10 am in the morning and she was here in her night clothes. Tears pooled in Suman's eyes as her mind processed what she saw. She scolded herself for behaving this weak and vulnerable in front of a stranger.

" Who is it?", She heard Shravan's voice, and he came out, in his tracks and a vest. Suman lifted her eyes to look at him, her eyes now filling to the brim.

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