Chapter thirteen

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I know you've all been anxious for this chapter, and I hope you all enjoy reading it. :)


Jason's P. O. V

I blinked open my eyes and squinted up at the white ceiling above me. Still half asleep it took me a couple seconds to figure out where I was. From the smell of disinfectant and the sounds of a heart monitor I concluded that I was at a hospital, though I had no idea as to how I got here in the first place.

Everything was a blur really, just a large number of distorted images that made no sense to me what so ever. I frowned and glanced around, my gaze landing on a figure sitting not too far from the hospital bed, two others standing beside that figure.

I blinked at the sight of Ross, who was engaged in conversation with two of my subordinates, laughing ever so often when something funny was said. He looked over to me as if sensing my eyes on him and grinned widely.

"Jason, back from the dead so soon," he greeted and came by my side, taking a seat in the chair next to the bed I was laying on.

"How long have I been out?" I rasped and cringed from how hoarse I sounded and from the dryness of my throat that made talking uncomfortable. "Get me some water," I commanded to one of my subordinates and he was quick to obey.

"Four days," Ross replied and I stared at him in open shock. Damn, really, that's a long time. What the hell happened to me for that to happen?

"What happened to me?" I asked and struggled to sit up. Ross pushed me down by my shoulder firmly with his hand and instead pressed a button on a small remote that made the bed incline.

"You need to rest, your still recovering from what happened, so no trying to be all macho and try to push yourself too hard just yet," Ross scolded and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Just tell me what happened," I said impatiently and shakily grabbed at the water my subordinate had brought me, taking a sip of it and relishing in the cool liquid as it slid down my sore throat. I sighed contently and closed my eyes at the momentary bliss, then opened them and focused them onto Ross again, demanding answers.

"Well, I believe you were poisoned," he said bluntly and I froze mid-sip, then placed the glass down onto the stand next to me as I turned to fully face Ross, my expression one of seriousness.

"How? When did that happen?" I rubbed at my temple at the oncoming headache I was getting from this sudden surprise. Who the hell would poison me? And I can't believe I even let myself be poisoned, what was I, some kind of naive fool. I should know better to be on guard for things like that.

"We found the guy who slipped you the poison; he had disguised himself as one of us, which was how he was able to bypass our security. He’s probably working for one of our competition; the problem is that we don’t know who. The guy is stubborn ad hell and won’t talk."

"Alright, I'll deal with him myself after I recover," I said. "Anything else to report?" I asked, though I didn’t really care my mid was elsewhere.  I wonder how Zachary's doing; he must be worried about me. I hope he’s doing okay by himself. Ah, I want to recuperate fast so that I can see him, I thought longingly. "And when can I get out of here? I'd like to get home and be with Zachary as soon as possible."

"Well...," Ross trailed off and nervously twiddled his thumbs, a sure sign that something was seriously wrong. I snapped out of my daydreaming and straightened up, feeling just how dire the situation was.

"What’s wrong?" I demanded, narrowing my eyes at him as alarm coursed through me from his expression. Something really wasn’t right. Nothing made Ross act like this; I had never seen him so fearful.

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