Chapter seventeen

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I feel like this fucking chapter sucks, but its long! :)

Word count: 7,932

This chapter is dedicated to @liam_zoey for being the first person to guess who the traitor is right, and also for voting and commenting all the time on my stories. You’re so awesome! XD

Picture of Julio to the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

IMPORTANT: Read authors note at end.

Anyways, enjoy!


Jason's P. O. V

The drive to my office building was silent, mostly because Zachary, being so exhausted from his week of physical and mental torture with that once living son of a bitch Tristan, fell asleep with his head resting on my shoulder, a peaceful look on his face.

As I stared fondly down at his sleeping face a feeling of calmness spread through me, wrapping me in its embrace and clearing my raging mind that was focused on one thing and one thing only, the person who betrayed me.

It hit me like a dagger straight through my heart, finding out who caused me so much pain and suffering for the past week. I couldn't even believe it at first, thinking it was all in my head, but then I just have to get proven wrong, it made finding out ten times worse.

Not only had I trusted him with my very life, given him a place to work and a house to live under when he had nowhere else to go, no one to take care of him, but I had treated him like my very own family, and I had thought he felt the same way back, but I guess I was wrong, so very wrong, and that pained me.

Is it for the money, is that why he's doing this? Or is it for the power? I just don't know anymore. He had made it clear to me that he was just fine with the way things were before. Was that all lies, did he actually want what I have?

Whatever the reason was, he made the wrong choice when he decided to mess with me and my Zachary. Because of what he did I no longer felt any attachments towards him, all I felt was the chilling desire to make him pay for what he's done, just like I made Tristan pay for all he's done.

And I don't know if he knows I'm coming for him, and I don't know if he's still there, awaiting my judgment, or if he's already run off to go hid forever from my wrath, but I had a strong feeling in the pit of my stomach that says I'll find what I'm looking for when I get to my office building.

So I calmed my nerves and reeled in my ferocious anger that burned through me, its scorching flames nipping at my surroundings in its wake as it made its way back into me and began waiting for the right moment to reveal itself.

The rest of the way to my office building I concentrated on preparing myself for what was to come. I didn't know if he had set up traps ahead of time, or turned my people against me, or maybe, just maybe, he was planning on settling this like men, fair and square, no funny business, tricks, or anything like that.

If that's what he plans on doing, then I respect that. At least the guy will part this world with the knowledge that he didn't lose face by running scared and getting killed shamefully, I thought with a slight sigh, not knowing if I should be happy about that or not.

And don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean I'm not going to shot his ass full of bullets, because I am, it’s what he deserves for all the shit he's done. I've just known him for so long that, if he is to die by my hands, which he is, then I wouldn't have it any other way: him and I going at it until only one of us makes it out alive, a final showdown if you want to call it that. It was the perfect way to go, for someone of his stature.

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