The First Meeting

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Ballora's POV

Today is when I attend a new school. The school that I'm going is called FNAF High School. I'm a little bit nervous. At my other school, I was mostly made fun of, and I was just a freshman. The one thing that all students made fun of me was me being gay. It's just how I was born, but alot of people don't like it. Even my parents don't like how I'am. They always keep saying to me to get a boyfriend, not a girlfriend. But, I don't want a boyfriend, but I don't know if I want a girlfriend now. But it would be great to have one. Right now, I already got my schedule. I mostly have the same classes at my old school, but there is one that I was really excited for. It was a dancing class. I didn't know that this school had a dancing class? I've been dancing since I was a little kid. After I got my schedule, I looked around to see who would show me around the school. It took a while, then I saw a boy and a girl with a handful of students. I walked behind behind the girl and gave her a tap on her shoulder to make her turn around. The girl had pink and white clothes on, yellow eyes, and straight pink hair. "H-H-Hello. I'm B-Ballora, I'm new here." "Oh, are you a freshman?" "N-N-No, I'm a sophomore." "Hey, are you shy?" "A little." "Well, you don't need to be shy to me. Let me introduce you to myself. I'm Vixen, Vixen Funtime. And this boy right here is my boyfriend." "Hello, I'm Fred, Fred Fazbear." A boy with white and light purple clothes on, brown hair, and blue eyes, held out his hand to me. I grabbed it and started shaking it. "Can you of you two show me around here?" "We're sorry, but we have our hands full with these students." Fred said. "I think I know someone who can show you around. Follow me, Ballora." Vixen said. I started to follow Vixen to someone she know. "Baby." "Yeah Vixen?" "Are you busy right now?" "No I'm not. Why?" "Can you show this girl around the school?" Vixen moved away and I saw the girl who she was talking to. The girl was short, have great red hair in pigtails, a red shirt, blue jeans, green eyes, and black shoes. I have to admit, she looks really cute. I'm trying to get these thoughts out of my head, but I can't. I started to notice a small blush on the small girls face. "H-H-Hi there. My name is Ba-Ballora." "Hi, Ballora. My name is B-B-Baby." Baby, that's such a cute name! "So, um, w-w-will show me around here?" "S-S-Sure I can. Follow me." For the last few minutes, I followed Baby to my classes, and I noticed one thing. She showed me her schedule, and we have half of the same classes together. We even have the lunch together. "Well, that's all your classes." "Thank you for showing me around, Baby." "It's no problem. I would like to get to know you better, Ballora. Do you want to talk during lunch?" "That would be great. I would like to know you better too." The bell rang, and it was time for everyone to get to class. I waved Baby goodbye for now until we meet again in one of our classes.

Time skip to lunch

It's now time for lunch. I grabbed my food tray and I tried to look for Baby. After a few seconds, I saw her waving at me. I walked over and saw Fred and Vixen with her. "Hey guys." "Hi, Ballora." Baby said. I sat down and started to eat my food. "So Ballora, what brings you here to this school?" Vixen said. "Well, my parents bought a new house for a really great deal on it. And I had to change schools because this one is closer to my house, and my old school is far now. What about you guys? Fred, Vixen, how long have you two been dating?" "For almost about two years. We started dating in 8th grade." Fred said. "Well Ballora, what about you? Are you dating anyone? Do you have any siblings?" Fred said. "First, no, I'm not dating anyone right now. Second, I do have siblings. Four little sisters. They're quadruplets." "Quadruplets?!" "Yeah. There names are Jessica, Beth, Emma, and Alexis. But when they are all together, I call them the Minireena's. What about any of you guys? Siblings?" "Well, I don't, but Fred does." Vixen said. "Yeah, I have a little brother. His name is Bonnie, but I call him Bon-Bon." Fred said. "And, I have a big brother. His name is Ennard. He graduated from here last year. Now he's in college." Baby said. "That's cool. It's nice to get to know you guys. Back at my old school, I didn't have any friends at all. I was always made fun of." "What did they made fun of you for?" Vixen said. "Hey, I'll be right back." Baby said. Baby got up and walked away. "So, what were those kids making fun of you for?" Vixen said. "I-I don't want to say it." "Come on. We won't make fun of you like they did." Fred said. "You promise?" "We promise." "Alright. They made fun of me because I'm....... Gay." "What? You're gay?" Fred said. "Yeah, I'am. You guys can laugh if you want to. I'm used to it." "We're not going to laugh at you." Fred said. "Y-You're not?" "Of course not. And we know someone else who is gay as well." Vixen said. "Who?" "We don't want to say her name to anyone else. She'll get mad." "I understand." "I'm back. What did I miss?" Baby said. "Nothing." The bell rang and lunch was over. All of us grabbed our trays and threw them in the trash. Before we went to our next class. We got out our phones and typed down each others phone numbers.

End of the day

When it the end of the day, my Dad picked me up and drove to the house. Once we entered the house, before I went to my room, Mom and Dad stopped me. "So, how was your first day at a new school, Ballora?" Mom said. "It was good. I made a couple of new friends." "That's great! Any boys that you think you like?" "No." "You better not be thinking of having a girlfriend." Dad said. "I-I'm not." I lied. "Good." I walked to my room and closed the door behind me. Today went better than I expected. New friends that don't make fun of me, and one of them is really cute. I don't care what my parents say, I rather a girlfriend than a boyfriend. I don't know if Baby is gay or not. If she isn't, then I can just forget this little crush I have on her. But if she is, then there might be a chance we can be together. For almost the whole day, I laid on my bed, tired.

Baby's POV

When I got to my house I sat on the couch with my feet up. "Baby, how was your first day back?" Mom said. "It was good, and tiring. I made a new friend today." "Oh, that's nice. A boy or a girl?" "Girl. Her name is, Ballora." "And what is she like?" "She's really nice. She was shy at first, but we talk to each other, and I don't think she's shy anymore." "And how do feel about this girl? Do you feel great near her?" Dad said. "Dad!" "What? Is it wrong to know if my little girl is in love?" "This is what you said when I met Vixen. And I said she wasn't gay. How am I suppose to know if Ballora is even gay." "Ask her?" "Right. Go up and ask her are you gay? Yeah right. I'm going now." I went upstairs to my room and sat on my bed. In my room I was thinking about how will this school year go. But I was mostly about, Ballora. She looks really great, and beautiful as well. But I'm not going to get my hopes up. She's probably straight, and alot would probably ask her out. There is no chance that I would go out with her. I sat in my room, listening to music all day until I went to bed.

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