Ballora's Back

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Ballora's POV

I have to find her. I have to find Baby. I don't know how long it's been since I last saw her? I don't even remember how all of this happened? All I remember is on the night of my graduation, I was waling to Baby's house. Then I was knocked out, and I don't know who or what knocked me out? I woke up in the middle of nowhere, in another state. All of my things that I had were gone. The only thing I have on me now is the necklace Baby got me for my birthday. It's the only thing I have that reminds me of her. For years, I've been trying to get back home. Get back to my friends, my family, and to Baby. I don't know if they even remember me. If my friends don't and possibly my family, I know Baby will. I know she's still waiting for me to come home. I can feel it in my heart. But I don't even know what they look like today? I can only remember what they look like when we were teenagers. For years, I went to state to state, and for people who noticed, some of them give me clothes which I do need. But after like a week, it gets ragged up. They even give me food as well. And some of them were kind enough to take me in their house to help me. Right now, it's a rainy day, and I don't even know which state I'm in? I'm also wearing a hoodie and sunglasses. I don't really show anyone my face at all. I keep my hair hidden and hide away my eyes. I feel weak, tired, and hungry. I can't survive another night out here. I need to stay inside, just for a while. Then I'll go back to finding Baby. I looked to the side of me, and I saw a house with the lights on. I walked up to the porch, and walked up to the door. I gave it a few knocks, but I felt so weak that on the finally knock, I fell to the ground and passed out.

I woke up, feeling warm. Then I looked around, and I was in a room, on a bed. It has been a while since I felt this warm, and comfortable. I got up from the bed, and walked out the room. I explored the house I was in, until I reached the living room, where I saw a small woman on the couch, watching tv. She probably heard my footsteps because she turned around and looked at me. She then walked up to me. "Hello there. You're awake now." The small woman said. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm sorry, but I don't really like telling my name to strangers." "Makes sense. I don't really tell other people my name either." "What were you doing out there?" "It's actually personal to me." "Well, I'll take care of you until you want to leave." "Thank you, but I wont be here for long. I need to get back out there." "Alright. Do you want me to wash your clothes for you?" "I'm ok. I don't really like to show people my face. Including my hair." "Ok?"

A few days later

For the last few days, the small woman has been taking care of me. She gave me some food, and help me in anyway. She actually reminds me of Baby. So sweet, kind, and caring. But, she will never replace her. No one can replace Baby. Today, I over heard the small woman talking to someone on her phone. I heard her mention the name, Vixen. At first, I thought it was my old friend, Vixen. Then I thought, any other girl can be named Vixen. After aa while, I heard a knock, and the small woman answered it. I looked at the door, and I saw another woman, about a little bit taller than her.

Vixen's POV

Today, I got a call from Baby. She wants me to come over to her house to watch over the woman that's in her house. She's going out for the day, handing out fliers to people about Ballora. I agreed, and went over to Baby's house. I arrived, and Baby opened the door. She told me to make sure that the woman is fine. And not to tell the woman her name. She then got in her car, and drove away. I closed the door and I saw the woman behind me. "So, your name is Vixen, huh? I have an old friend that is name Vixen." She said. "Really? That's cool." After a few minutes, I was watching some tv. I looked to the side to me, and saw the woman sitting on the separate chair. She was looking down at something. Then I was able to see what was in her hands. She have Baby's necklace! I walked up to her, and grabbed it from her. She got up and looked at me. "What are you doing?!" She said. "You were trying to steal from my friend!" "What are you talking about?! That necklace is mine!" "Yeah right! There's only two people I know who have the same necklace. My friend and...." I looked at the necklace, and I noticed something different on it. It doesn't say Baby's name on it. It says Ballora's name on it. The woman then grabbed it, and sat back down. She then took off her hoodie off her head, and put the necklace back on , and I saw blue hair. "So, that's your name?" "Y-Yes, it is. This necklace is the only thing that reminds me of my girlfriend. Her name, is Baby. I don't know how long it's been since I last saw her. She has the other half of the necklace. When it's connected, it makes a full heart and it says-" "Baby x Ballora." "How do you know that?" "Because, I know her. I've been her friend for a long time now. And, I've been friends with you for a while also." "What do you mean?" "Ballora, don't you reconize me? It's me, your best friend, Vixen." She then took off her sunglasses, revealing her magenta eyes that I know. "V-V-Vixen? Is it really you?" "Yes!" Ballora then came up to me, and hugged me tightly, while I hugged her back. "Oh my God! Vixen, I can't believe it's you! I can't believe I didn't reconized you!" "Well, it has been five years." "Five years? Has it really been five years?" "It has." "What did I miss?" "Nothing much. One thing that happened to me, is me and Fred got married!" I then showed her my ring. "Oh my God! Congradulation you two!" "Thank you! Now you can call me Mrs.Fazbear." "What about my family?" "They still miss you, but they gave up the search for you a while ago. We all did." "What about Baby? Doesn't she still remember me? Does she still love me?" "Of course she still loves you. She's actually the one person who haven't gave up on you. We tryed talking to her about that, but she just couldn't. She's been waiting for you, all these years. She has everything that reminds her of you still. And another thing, the woman living here, she's actually Baby." "What?! Baby has been taking care me this whole time, and I didn't reconize her?!" "Looks that way." "Vixen, please, take me to Baby. I need to see her, and she needs to see my face." "I actually have another idea." "What is it?" "We're going to surprise her when she gets home. Which is tonight." "Sounds good. As long as I get to see Baby." "You will. But first, let's go shopping. You need new clothes." "You're right." We both then left the house, and I started to drive to the store for new clothes for Ballora. Baby is going to be so surprised when she sees Ballora.

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