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Baby's POV

I woke up before Ballora did. I have the whole day planned out for me and her. I walked out of the room, and went to the kitchen and started to cook some food for Ballora. I got out some things to cook with. After about an hour, I was done. I made Ballora some pancakes, eggs, and put some fruit on the plate as well. I put the ppate on table, and a glass of milk on there as well. I went back to the room, and went to wake up Ballora. Walked up to her, and kissed her forehead to wake her up. She opened her eyes, and looked at me, with a smile. "Moring, Ballora." "Morning, Baby." "I made you some breakfast. It's on the table." "Really? Thank you! I'll be right there." I walked out of the room, so that Ballora can cover herself up. After a few minutes, Ballora came out of the room, and sat where her food is. "Aaawww, for me? Thank you, Baby! You're so sweet." "Well, a perfect breakfast for my perfect Ballora. And this just the part of the day." "What do you mean?" "Well, I thought of what we can do all day until tonight. But I'm not going to say it, because I want it to be a surprise." "I can't wait!" "So, when you're done eating, get dress, ok?" "Alright." I then kissed Ballora. "Love you, Ballora!" "Love you too, Baby!" I then, went to the room to get changed into nice clothes. I changed, and went back to Ballora, who is almost done with her food. "So, what are we doing first?" "Well, I want to take a trip down memory lane. Like our old school. Maybe Freddy's. And the last place, it'll be a special place we both know. But before the last thing, we'll go out to eat." "This sounds great!" After a while, Ballora was done eating, and put her dishes in the sink. She then, went back to the room, and changed as well. She got done changing, and came out of the room. "You ready?" "Yeah. Let's go. I can't wait!" We went out of the house, and to the car. I started driving to the first place of the day. I drove both of us to our old high school. Where we first met. I parked the car, and we both went inside. "Wow, I can't believe this place hasn't changed that much." "I know. I still remember the first day we met." "Me too. It was our first day of our Sophmore year." "Vixen introduce me to you, and my whole world changed that day!" "Mine too!" Me and Ballora then started to walk around. We even spotted our old lockers. And some of our old teachers even remembered us. We stopped looking around, and went back to the car. The next place I drove to is Freddy's. We really like that place when we were teenagers. Although, the buisness has go down since five kids went missing. But, I still like the place. We arrived at Freddy's, and went inside. Some of the kids were playing, while the animatronics were performing. "Huh, this place hasn't change much either." "Yeah, it hasn't." "But, it's still a good place." "You know, I still have that plushie that you gave to me for my birthday." "Really? You kept it all these years?" "Of course. I kept everything." "Aaawww!" Ballora then started to hug me tightly. "Come, let's go eat." "Alright." We left Freddy's, then went to (whatever restraunt you want to put in. I'm too lazy to think of one.) We went inside, and walked up to the front to order some food. We sat at a table, and waited for our food. After a few minutes, our food was brought to us. Then we started eating it. "This has been a great day, Baby." Ballora smiled, and I smiled back. "Well, the day is not over yet. The sun is about to go down, and we have one more place to go." "Where?" "It's a surprise. You'll see." We then finished eating, and threw away our trash. It's now dark. Perfect! We both got in the car, and I drove to the last place for the day. I drove closer to the last place. But before I drove any further, I stopped the car, and looked at Ballora. "Can you cover your eyes? I want you to be surprised." "Alright." Ballora then put her hands on both eyes, and I continued driving. Once we got there, I got out of the car, and opened the door for Ballora. I took her outnof the car, and guide her. "Alright, you can look now."

Ballora's POV

I uncovered my eyes, and looked around. I realized where we were. "Baby, this is the place were we first became a couple!" "I knew you would love it!" "I haven't seen it in years! I'm surprise it's all still the same." "Well, I still haven't told anyone." I looked at Baby, and I hugged her. And she hugged me back. "I remember that night like it was yesterday!" "Me too. We sat on top of my car hood. We looked at the sky." "I grabbed a hold of your hand while you grabbed hold to mine. And I told you my past romance." "And I finally told you my true feelings towards you." "And we finally had our first kiss." I then kissed Baby, and she kissed back. We both pulled away, and looked at each other. "I can still feel the magic here." "Me too. Maybe there's a little bit of magic to tell you something?" "Huh?" Baby then backed away just a bit. "Ballora, you have given me the best years of my life in the past! And, I know we can't get those five missing years back." "Baby..." "I know what you're going to say. It's not your fault, mine, no one's. No one could've known that was going to happen. But, I'm just so happy that you're back! With me!" Baby then took out something out of her pocket. Then she kneeled down. "I stay want to stay with you forever so...." She then open a small box, and revealed...... an engagement ring!! I gasped, my eyes were wide open, and I covered my mouth. "Ballora Victoria, my true love since high school! I want to be with you everyday of my life, and be together with you until we die! So..... will you marry me? And make us happy all our life?" I started to cry for joy! I rushed to Baby, and gave her a huge hug. "Yes!! Yes Baby, I'll marry you!!!" Baby then slide the ring on my finger. Then I kissed her. We stayed in the same position for a few minutes. Then we decided to go back home. We finally arroved back at the house, and went inside, and decided to go to bed. When we went to the room, Baby picked my up, and spin ed me around. We both started to laugh and we fell on the bed, looking at each other. "I can't believe you finally proposed! I've been waiting for this for so long!" "Me too! I can't wait until our wedding." Baby then gave me a small peck. "I love you so much, Baby!" "I love you more, Ballora!" We then fully asleep. I'm so happy! I can't wait until I can finally call Baby my wife!

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