The Surprise

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---"Might be a small chapter."---

Vixen's POV

All day, I've been with Ballora, at the mall to get her some new clothes. "Are you sure you want to buy me clothes, Vixen? I don't want you spend that much on me." "It's ok, Ballora. It'll be worth it when Baby see's you." "Well, thank you so much." "No problem." We went through alot of clothes, and Ballora picked out some she liked. Then she went to the fitting room, and tried them on. They fit her perfectly. She didn't really grabbed that much clothes for her. She also picked out a pair of blue shoes as well. Then I went to the check out, and payed for her things. The next place we went, was the barber. Ballora's hair is really messed up. So long. She went up to the barber that called her name, and he cut her hair. An hour later, Ballora's hair cut was, and now she have short hair. "It looks good, Ballora." "Thanks. Do you have a hair tie?" I then pulled out a hair tie, and gave it to Ballora. Then she put her hair in a bun. Like she used to. "Still like to keep your hair in a bun, huh?" "Yeah, it's just who I am." After that, we went back to Baby's house, and luckily, she's not home yet. Ballora then went to the bathroom and took a shower. I'm pretty sure that alot of dirt is coming off of her now. After her shower, she came out of the bathroom, wearing her new clothes. She's wearing a blueish-purpleish shirt, with black jeans, and her blue shoes. And her hair in a bun like earlier. "You look great, Ballora!" "Thank you!" "Alright, so this what we'll do. You wait in Baby's room, while I bring her to you." "Alright. Oohh, I'm so nervous!" "Why? You're going to see Baby again." "I'm just really nervous! It's been five years since I last saw her! What if she doesn't want to see me anymore?" "Ballora, she does want to see you. She's been trying to find you for five years. She'll be glad to see you again." Ballora then smiled, and gave me a hug. "Thank you, Vixen! You're a really great friend!" I then heard something outside. I looked out the window, and I saw Baby pull over on her drive way. "Ballora, hurry! Go to Baby's room!" Ballora then rushed to Baby's room, and closed the door. Then Baby came in. "Hhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy, Baby." "Uh, hi, Vixen. Thanks for looking over the place while I was gone." "No problem. So, how was today?" "Not really good. Nobody still don't know where Ballora is. I'm really tired." "Hey, I found aomething that might really cheer you up. I put in your room. Let me show you it." "I'll check out later. Right now, I just want to lay on my couch until I'm ready to go to bed." "No, you have to see it now!" "Why do you want me to see it so badly?" "Because I want you to! If you don't I wont leave and I'll bother you all night." Baby then groaned and got up. "Alright. Show me." We both then started to walk to her room. Once we got there, before Baby opened the door, I covered her eyes. "Vixen, the heck are you doing?" "Part of a surprise." "What ever makes you get out of here faster." I then opened the door, and made Baby walk a few steps foward, and stopped her, right in front of Ballora. There's someone here who is really happy to see again, Baby!" "What do you mean?" I uncovered her eyes, and stand to the side. Baby looked, and looked at Ballora. Baby gasped, having a shocked face on her. And Ballora, smiling at her. "Hi Baby! It's really, really great to see you again! You look as beautiful as ever!" "B-B-B-B-Ballora?" Baby said.

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