Baby's New Sister

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Baby's POV

Few the last few weeks, me and my Dad have been taking care of my Mom. She's been pregnant for the last nine months. We know that the baby will come any day now. My Mom have been craving all of things for the last few days. And I've been trying my best to help my Mom the best I can. Right now, I'm in my room, listening to music. Then I heard my Dad call me in a loud voice. I thought I was in trouble because I barely my Dad in that voice. I went downstairs, and I saw Dad helping Mom up. "Dad, what's wrong?" "Get your shoes on now Baby! Your Mother's water just broke! The baby is coming!!" "WHAT!! Ok, I'll be right back!" I ran upstairs as fast as I can. I put on my socks and shoes, and went downstairs again. I didn't see Mom and Dad anywhere. Then I looked outside and saw them in the car. I ran outside and got in the car. Dad started driving fast to the hospital. Mom kept breathing hard and she was hanging on to the side of the seat hard. "Breath Honey! We're almost there!" We finally reached the hospital, and we rushed inside. The doctors put Mom on one of those hospital beds and took her in a room. I wanted to go in, but my Dad said I needed to stay in the waiting room. The waiting room was not that far from the room that Mom and Dad were in now. I stayed in the waiting room for a few hours now. It's already dark outside. Now, I'm hearing Mom screaming in pain. She is probably delivering the baby now. After a few minutes of hearing Mom screaming, and Dad saying for Mom to push. Then I finally heard silence. Then a few minutes later, Dad came in the waiting room and he was in front of me. "Come on, Baby. There's someone who wants meet you." I got and followed Dad to the room Mom is in. When I entered, I saw Mom with the new baby in her arms. "Baby, meet your new little sister!" Dad said. "Bidy Heather!" I walked up to Mom and looked at my new sister. "Hi there, Bidy! She's so cute, Mom! I'm finally a big sister! Can I hold her, Mom?" "Sure, Sweetie." I carefully grabbed Bidy from Mom and hold her like Mom did. "You seem really great with a baby, Sweetie." "Well, one day I'll have one of my own." Then Bidy opened her eyes, and I saw blue eyes. It's so cute! I gave Bidy back to Mom and she started crying just a little bit. "What's wrong, Mom?" "I still remember when you and Ennard were born. Those days were the happiest days of my life! And this day adds it up!" "Alright Mrs.Heather, I'll take her to get her clean." The nurse said. Then Mom handed Bidy to the nurse, and Bidy started to cry as she was taken away for now. It took a while, but the nurse came back with Bidy wrapped in a blanket, with a small beanie, and Mom grabbed her. I took a few pictures of me, Mom and Dad with Bidy. After a few pictures, someone else came in the room. "Knock knock." I turned around and saw my brother, Ennard. "Ennard!" O walked up to Ennard and gave him a big hug and he hugged back. "I missed you!" "I missed you too, Baby." "How's college, Ennard?" Dad said. "It's going good. A little hard, but I'm getting the hang of it. I would like to see my new sibling!" "Well, here she is. Meet your new little sister, Bidy." "Hi Bidy! I'm your big brother, Ennard!" We all started talking just for a while before Ennard turned to me. "Hey Baby, I need to talk to you in private." We both walked out the room and Ennard closed the door so Mom and Dad won't hear us. "So, what do you need to talk about?" "About your new friend, Ballora." I blushed a little bit. "H-How do you know about Ballora? I never told you about her." "Mom told me. She even told me what happened with you two in your room." I blushed even harder. "You almost kissed her!" "Please Ennard, stop it! You're making me embarrassed!" "Well, I just wanted to say it. My little sister is in love with that girl!" "Ennard!" "I'm sorry. Are you going to tell her your feelings?" "Ennard, I'm not like you! I don't go up to a girl I like and say would you go out with me like that! It's hard for me!" "Well, I can give you one advice. If you want to express your feelings to her, take her somewhere romantic, and tell her how you feel." "That's... really great advice. Thank you, Ennard!" "Anything for my little sis." We both went back into the room, and Mom and Dad looked at us, with a curious look on there faces. "What were you two talking about?" Mom said. "Nothing." We all came in closer for one big group hug. "We're one big happy family!"

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