Break Up?

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Ballora's POV

Over the week, I've been thinking of what I'm going to say to Baby. I don't know if I should break up with her, or not? I asked my parents to at least let me have time on Saturday. And they both agreed on it. I've been so worried that I been mostly avoiding Baby for the last few days. It's now Saturday, and now I have to choose. After a while, of thinking it over, I have chose what I have to do. And I know I wont like it at all. I picked up my phone, and called Baby. "Hello?" "Hi, Baby." "Ballora, why are you avoiding me at school?" "I'm so sorry about that. Hey, can you meet me at school. I need to talk to you." "Alright, I'll be there. Love you." "L-L-Love you, too." I hung up and put my phone down. I got up and went downstairs to get my keys, and drive to school. "Where are you going?" Dad said. "To school. I've made my decision, and I'm going to tell Baby." "Well, we're coming too. To make sure that you really break up with her." Mom said. "A-A-Alright." I went outside, got in my car and drove to school, will my parents followed me. Once I finally got to the school, I saw Baby at one of the tables. I got, and walked over to Baby. "Hi, Baby." "Ballora!" Baby then rushed over to me, and tackled me with a hug. She is so adorable. I'm going to miss it. "Baby, there's something I need to tell you. I thinl you want to sit down for this." "W-What is it, Ballora?" Me and Baby both sat downnext to each other. Behind Baby, I saw my parents, a few feet back. I try not to stare at them that much so Baby wont see them. "Baby, there's something I want to tell you. I know that you'll not like it." "What do you mean, Ballora?" "There's literally no easy way to say this at all." "B-B-Ballora, what are you saying?" I then almost started to tearing up, and I grabbed Baby's hand, and hold it with both my hands. "I......I.......I......" I then looked behind Baby, looking at my parents. They kept nodding, wanting me to do it. Bit then, I looked at Baby, and she have tears coming down her face. I realized that, this is not what I want. What I want is Baby. Then, I quickly let go of Baby's hand, and quickly started to hug her. "I still love! I will never stop loving you! I will always be with you no matter what!" Then, I felt Baby slowly started hugging me back. "At first, I-I-I you were b-breaking up with me." "No, I can never do that. You're the love of my life!" I then made Baby face me. We stared into each others eyes, and I pulled her in for a kiss. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it was pretty long lasting. We broke the kiss, and looked at each other again. "I love you, Baby." "I love you too, Ballora." I looked at my parents, and they had mad faces on them. But I don't care. I know I made the right decision. After a few minutes, I said my goodbye to Baby, and started to drive back home. I arrived at back home, before my parents did. I don't know why? Once I got inside, I went to my room, and grabbed a few suitcases. Big enough to put everything I have in them. It took a while, but I completly finished clearing out my room, just when my parents arrived. "BALLORA!!!" Both of them said. I went downstairs with all my suitcases in my hands. "I can see you're already packed everything." Dad said. "You know, I'm glad that I'm leaving this place. You guys were never nice to me for my whole life. And you weren't supportive when I finally got together with Baby. I'm glad that I'm leaving, and I'm never moving back in." I walked over to the door, and when I opened it, the Minireenas came in rushing to me. "Ballora please, don't go!" Alexis said. "You're the best sister we have, and we don't want to lose you." Emma said. I smiled, and got to my knees and gave them one big hug all together. "Girls, it's ok. I'll try to visit you guys once every week. I promise. And listen to me. Don't let Mom and Dad get in the way of who you are, ok?" "We're going to miss you, Ballora." Beth said. "I'm going to miss all of you too. I have to go now. Bye girls." "Bye Ballora." They all said with tears on their faces. I then looked at my parents. "Bye." I couldn't even say Mom or Dad, and even say goodbye. I then put all of my things in the backseat of my car. Then I got in, and started driving. Where? I don't know yet? Where ever my life will take me now. Where ever I go next, I know that it will better than my parents. And at the end, I know I made the right decision of still being with Baby.

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