Moving In

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Baby's POV

Today's the day I can ask Ballora if she wants to live with us. I really, really hope she'll agree to move in. Right now, it's lunch time. And all of us are eating our lunches. Well, except for Ballora. Poor Ballora, she's so tired that she can do anything. "Hey, Ballora!" Fred said. Ballora shot up, and looked at Fred. "What is it Fred?" "I just wanted to wake you up." "Don't do that, Fred. I'm tired, ok." "Hey, Ballora, I need to tell you something." "What is it, Baby?" "Well, yesterday, I told my parents that you're living in your car now." "Baby, why did you do that?" "What, Ballora, you're living in your car? Why?" Vixen said. "Because her parents kick her out a while ago. They kicked her out because me and her are together." "Oh, we're so sorry, Ballora." Vixen said. "I-It's ok guys. So, what were you saying, Baby?" "Well, I feel so bad for you, living in your car. So yesterday, I asked them a huge favor." "What did you ask them?" "Yeah, what did you ask them?" Fred said. "Guys, don't but in." "Alright. We'll just go. Come on Fred, let's leave these two love birds alone." Vixen said. "Right behind you." Fred said. Fred and Vixen then left, and I looked back at Ballora. "Ok, so from what I'm saying, I asked my parents something that will make us both happy." I started to smile. "What did you ask them?" "I ask them if you can live with us. And they said yes!" "W-What?" "Ballora, you can live with us! You can live with me!" I started to hold Ballora's hands, tightly. "Baby, I don't know about this. I-I don't want to cause any trouble." "Ballora, we've known each other for a year now. I know you so much now. You don't cause or get into trouble. Ballora, I don't want you to live in your car anymore. And I donxt want to see you like this anymore. So, do you want to live with us? Please?" Ballora, slowly started to smile at me. Then, she hugged me. "Have a room ready for me. I'm moving in." "You are?" "Yes." I started to hug her tighter. Then the bell rang for lunch to be over. "I'll see you tonight, Baby." "I can't wait. I'll see then." We gave each other a peck on the lips and went through out the day. After school, at home, I told my parents that Ballora agreed to live with us. And they were excited too. Mostly all day, I've been waiting all day, for Ballora to come here. I kept looking out the window every 20 minutes to see if Ballora is here yet. Then it turned around 6 o'clock at night. I was in my room, listening to my music. I looked out my window, and saw a car parked in front of the house. I quickly realized that it's Ballora's car. I unplugged my headphones, got out of my room, and rushed downstairs to the door. I opened the door, and I saw Ballora, with her suitcases. "Ballora!" I gave her a big hug. "Come on in, Ballora." I let go of her, and she let her come inside. "Thank you all so much for letting me stay here." "Well, you should be thanking Baby." Dad said. "Yeah, if she never asked us, you would be still living in your car." Mom said. "Well still, thank you! I promise I wont cause any trouble. And I'll help around the house as much as I can." "Hey, it's ok. You don't really need to help that much." Dad said. "We can tell that you're going to enjoy her." Mom said. "I know I will." I took Ballora's hand, and followed her to the guest bedroom. Which is now her room.

Ballora's POV

I started to put all of my stuff away in the drawers and the closet. I'm finally glad that I'm no longer living in my car. And this is way better. I'm living with Baby now! This is better then living with my parents. I know thar I'm going to enjoy living here alot. And I know that they're going to treat me really nice. Through out the rest of the night, I've ate some food, which was really great. It has been a while since I ate really food, and not fast food anymore. Then, I took a shower after that. I couldn't really clean myself that much before. After I took a shower, I put on my pj's and decided to go to sleep already. I climbed onto the bed, and got under the sheets. It feels so good to be on a bed again, and not a driver seat. After about a few minutes, I guess, I was almost fully asleep, until I felt something on the bed with me. Then I felt an arm wrap around me. I looked around me, and I saw Baby in bed with me. "Baby?" "Hi." Baby had an adorable smile on her. I turned around fully, and put my arm around Baby as well. "Hi." I started to smile as well. "So, how are you enjoying it here so far?" "It's great! I'm no longer, living in my car, and I'm living with my girlfriend. I couldn't ask for more!" "Me too!" "I love you, Baby!" "I love you more, Ballora!" Baby put her hand on my cheek, and brought me in for a kiss. We kissed each other just for a few minutes, before breaking apart from each other. "I'm tired, Baby." "Then let's go to sleep already." Baby then brought me closer to her. "Good night, Ballora." "Good night, Baby." Then we both fell asleep in each others arms, not letting each other go. I love this so much! I want to continue being with Baby my whole life. Maybe, even raise a family with her. That would be great if that could happen in the future. But for now, I'm with Baby as my girlfriend, and I couldn't be happier with her.

Story of Gay Love (Baby x Ballora Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin