Baby's Birthday

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Baby's POV

I'm so excited today! Today is my birthday! I'm turning 17 today. One more year before I turn into an adult. I invited all of friends over to come over to my house for my party.  Some of my family member came over as well. They all put the presents that they got for me on a seprate table. All my family members are here, but I'm still waiting for my friends. What's taking them so long? I looked out the window, then I saw a car pulled over in front of the house. Then I saw Fred and Vixen come out, and the car started driving away. I opened the door before they had a chance to knock on it. "Hey guys!" I said. "Hi, Baby. Happy birthday!" Fred said. "Happy birthday!" Vixen said. "Thank's guys! Have you two heard from Ballora?" "We haven't." Vixen said. "I'm pretty sure she'll come." Fred said. "Well, come on in guys. Leave the presents on the table." I let them come inside and I closed the door. After a while, I heard a few knocks coming from the door. I went to answer it, and I saw Ballora, with a bright red small bag in her hands. "Hi, Baby. I'm sorry that I'm late. Happy birthday!" "Thanks, Ballora. And, I don't care if you're late. As long as your here, it's great." I started to see a mild blush on Ballora's face. Why is she blushing, but it's cute. I let Ballora in, and she set the bag on the table. The party went on few a while and they all sang Happy Birthday to me. After we ate some cake, my Dad came up behind me and smashed a cake in my face. He does this every year. Everyone laughed, including me. I went upstairs to clean off my face and put on new clothes. After I did that, I went back downstairs, and it was ready to open my presents. I got alot clothes, some jewlery, and a new phone as well. When it was time for my parents to show me what they got for me, they told me to follow them. I followed them to the garage. I looked inside, and I saw a new car. I looked at my parents with a surprised face. "Is this my car?!" My parents then gave the keys to the new car. I smiled and started to laugh a bit. Then I hugged them both really tight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" I let go of both of them and went to my new car. I'm so happy I finally have a car! After few hours have pasted by, and some of them already went home. I grabbed all of my presents, and put them in my room upstairs. When I set them all down, I heard knocks at my door. "Come in." The door opened and I saw Ballora. "Baby?" "Yeah Ballora?" "You didn't open my present." "I didn't? I think I missed it?" Ballora then handed me the bag. I opened it, and I saw the plushie that I wanted back at Freddy's a few months ago. "Ballora, how did you get this?" "Well, I know how sad you were when you didn't get. And I don't like it when you're sad. So a weeks ago, I went back to Freddy's, got to the back room, and grabbed it. I know how much you wanted it." Ballora wasn't wrong. I really did wanted it because it sort of looks like her, and it would be great to have like a mini her with me. I smiled at Ballora and gave her a hug. "Thanks, Ballora. I love it." Then I heard a small whisper coming from Ballora. "And I love you." "W-What, Ballora?!" "N-N-Nothing! I said nothing! I have to go now Baby. See you at school." "B-B-Bye Ballora." I watched as Ballora walked out of my house and drove off. I mostly spent the rest day in my room, thinking what Ballora said. I think she said that she loves me? I don't know if she said that or not? If it's true, then I can express my feelings to her. My heart has been growing ever since I met her. I feel really great near her all the time. And we almost had our first kiss two times. I'm just afraid that, if I tell her my feelings, she might reject me. And I don't want that to happen. But it probably will happen. Why would a girl as beautiful as her wants to be with a girl like? At least I can try someday to express myself to her. And maybe one day, she'll finally be mine.

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