Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


“FOOD FOOD FOOD FOOD FOOD!” Meg, Sophie, Grace and I chanted. What? We like food! Is that a crime? Because if so, SUE US! Actually no don’t, we don’t have very much money.

“QUIET QUIET QUIET QUIET,” Imi said. I glared before realizing that she was calling somebody.

“Is that your boyfriend,” Meg giggled immaturely.

“It is actually – hey Andrew,” Imi said crossly. “Nothing’s wrong, just Meg… okay.” She covered the phone with her hand. “Megsie, Andrew says that he knows where your secret stash of Nutella is.”

Meg gasped and ran upstairs.

“Why does she need a secret stash anyway?” Beth asked. “We keep the cupboards… and the cabinets… and the benches… and the bookcases… and the desks… and the guitars… and-”

“We get the idea,” Gabbie said.

“Well we keep this place pretty well stocked.”

“Maybe in case of any emergency, or for a midnight snack,” Sophie suggested.

“Sophie, Andrew wants to know if you can make his brother some of your pancakes tomorrow?”

“Oh crap, that reminds me,” I gasped, as Soph nodded. She makes killer pancakes – no, they aren’t poisonous. “I was meant to meet Mike for breakfast half an hour ago. Bye!”

I grabbed my phone and keys and dashed out the door, dialing my boyfriend’s number.


Sophie’s POV

“I’m so sorry,” I heard Becky yell as she sprinted down the street to what we called Bikey’s Café. Becky and Michael’s ship name is Bikey and it’s where they met, where they had their first date and basically everything about that place screams Bikey.

In our house, five people have boyfriends.

Imi and Andy Cuppard have been going out for three years almost. They are really serious, and I think they’re going to get married and have loads of little Imdy babies.

Meg is on and off (currently on) with Alex Darkwood. Al was my friend from when we were very little, and I know him inside out. He’s a good guy, but he and Meg are way too similar. Mex is a fiery relationship and I swear they’re going to burn something down one day.

And of course, Becky and Michael Scott. Michael’s a great guy and all, and they’ve been going out for nearly four years, but I know somebody who would suit her a lot better. We used to do a writing and presenting workshop, which was literally honing in on writing, reading and public speaking skills, together with some guys. That’s how we met, when we were thirteen. Anyway, Rick Stevens, one of the guys, was her close guy friend. Becky, Imi, Meg and Rick went to the same school, but I went to a different one; but I stayed in touch with them. Rick developed a crush on Becky soon after she won an award at their graduation, but Becky doesn’t know. She has less than no clue, and it’s painful watching him get his heart broken repeatedly. Bikey is nice, but Bicky would be nicer, because I know Rick, and pre-Rick – back when he was Ricky, a little kid with a fringe - and everything about him.

I have a boyfriend, Nick Drew. He’s 18, athletic and gorgeous. We met at sport, and have been going out for six months. Nophia all the way!

Grace has recently started going out with her skating partner, Adam Puckett. She ice-skates, did you know? She’s really good at it. Anyway, her and Adam are a new couple and she’s obsessed with him. He’s cute and good for her though.

Bec’s dating Ben, he’s okay. Bec and Ben... well they can't have a ship name, and they're cute together. So yeah.


And that’s all the boyfriends in the house at the moment. They’re all nice, and it’s really fun when they stay over because we have massive sleepover parties.


The telephone rang, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Hello?” Gabbie asked, picking it up. “Soph, it’s for you.”

“Hello,” I said. “Oh hey Jake, what’s up?”

Jake and his sister Romy are my cousins.

“I need a place to stay,” Jake said. “I’ll be at your place in five minutes.”

“Um okay then,” I said. Hanging up on him, I turned to the girls. “My cousin’s coming to stay with us.”

Gabbie shrugged, everyone else ignored me, and… Imi went pale.

Oh yes, Imi. Imilie and Jake didn’t get on, to say the least.


This would definitely be very interesting.



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