Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter 23

Author’s Note

Aaarrggghhhhhhh getting close to the end!

There are only a few more chapters left of this – chapter 24 is the last. Enjoy!

Chapter 23

Grace’s POV:

We were woken by a piercing scream – a shriek, really.

“Shut up,” I moaned.

“You shut up,” Meg replied. “And give me some pineapples!”

“Pineapples? What do you want pineapples for?” I asked.

Meg didn’t reply, so I asked again.

“Um why would you want pineapples at seven o’clock in the morning?”

“Why would you not want pineapples at seven o’clock in the morning?” Meg retorted. “Now stop screaming!”

“I’m not screaming!”


We decided to go check it out. As we zombie walked onto the landing, we saw pretty much everyone else there too.

“Who isn’t here?”

“Gabbie, Bec and Sophia,” Becky said after a quick headcount. “But Bec’s at a sleepover.” That revelation was punctuated by a loud “SHUT UP,” from Sophia, which officially informed us that it was indeed Gabrielle that was shrieking.


We all nearly broke down her door as we crammed into her room.

“What’s wrong?”

“AAAHHHH!” she replied, holding her phone out to Imi.

“Check out… Aaahhhhh Gabbie!!!” Imi joined the shrieking, jumping up and down. Sophia let out a frustrated sigh and took the phone.

“Oh my goodness! Niall Horan tweeted ’Check out @MyNameIsGabbie’s YouTube video’ and then there’s a link!” she said.

“Ohmygod ohmygodohmygod!” we all screeched, jumping up and down. I snatched the phone and clicked the link.

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