Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15

Nobody’s POV:

The doctors rushed Chloey and Jake to the escalator, slapping the button. Michael rushed out of the elevator and glanced at Chloey as he ran to Becky.

“Hey, was that Chloey?” he said, hugging her.

“Yeah. And guess what?”

Chloey started screaming for Becky and Meg as Michael asked what, so dashing away she called, “I’m not pregnant!”

“Great,” he replied, confused. “Did we think you were?” He looked at the others, searching for an answer. “Huh?”

“Never mind,” Imi told him. They all went back to the waiting room, and settled in for a long wait.

Chloey was screaming bloody murder in the delivery room.

“One’s crowning… push!” a doctor told her. She gasped for breath, squeezing Jake’s hand extremely tightly as she tried to become a mother.

“Ow ow ow,” Jake moaned. “That hurts.”

“Shut up, you’re not squeezing a child out of your dick,” Becky snapped.

“PUSH,” Becky and Meg yelled. “Breathe, push!”

The hell continued for an undeterminable amount of time, and in the waiting room Imi and Gabbie were juggling cans of soda.

Chloey’s first child was born just as the clock ticked over to the next hour.

“Three more, ready? One…” Chloey yelled as her uterus contracted, shoving out a child.

“Two…” Taking a look, Becky paled and said, “Nearly out… oh Jesus.”

“Becky,” Chloey gasped. “Shut it.”

“ONE!” Chloey yelled louder than humanly possible as she pushed.

“Out,” called a midwife, holding up a screaming red thing. “Boy!”

“So do you have names picked out?”

“We were thinking Jack, Robbie, Harry or Luke for a boy,” Chloey replied.

“And Claire, Molly, Ella or Katie for a girl,” Jake added.

Chlo got an hour’s rest; she tried standing up, but she flopped straight back down. After a few tries, the contractions start getting worse; Chloey managed a single lap of the room, dripping blood all over the place. After half an hour of increased contractions, they were ready to begin baby number two.

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