Chapter Five

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Firstly, go back and read Chapters 2-3-4 because I changed them a lot. Secondly, don't forget to comment and vote!

Chapter 5

Beth’s POV:

I put the cookies in the oven and set the timer, as I heard the door open. I looked out and saw Natalie with all the pets!

Becky was being enveloped with three squirmy small dogs and one large dog; Meg was squeezing her puppy; Grace was holding her cat; Imi was trying to touch her cat; everyone else was ‘helping’ in some way.

I went out and Bazooka, my lorikeet, flew at my head. He landed and pooped in my hair.

“Thanks, B,” I said, lifting him off and into his cage. “I really appreciate that.”

I picked up his cage and took it to the big room behind the stairs that we had decided was the pets room, and put him on a table.


Our house is quite big. It used to be Becky’s grandparents’ house, and they had seven kids, as well as visitors, and then grandkids. They used to foster people as well, so the house has about fourteen bedrooms. There’s five floors.

The bottom floor is the one we all hang out on. There’s the kitchen, the lounge room, the pet room, the games room, and pretty much everything else. There’s even a formal dining room, although we usually eat in the kitchen (whether at the breakfast bar or the kitchen table) or in front of the TV.

Second floor is the guest rooms. There’s four of them, and then a bathroom, a lounge room and a mini kitchen room thing with a kettle, a sink and some food.

Floors three and four are our bedrooms. There’s three bedrooms on third, as well as a games room, a massive open room that we use for our exercise room and of course another kitchen; and seven on fourth; Becky, in the master bedroom that’s flooded, is on the fourth; Meg and Grace are on fourth; Imi’s on fourth; Beth and Bec are on fourth; Sophie and I are on fourth. I could have made it easy and said we were all on fourth, but no.

Fifth floor is our creative floor. There’s a soundproof room and a not soundproof room for music, there’s the vlogging room, there’s a painting room, there’s a study and there’s another food place.

Yes, we do lots of music; and we vlog. We love YouTube, and all have accounts, as well as a joint account.

No, not joint as in drugs. Get your mind out of the gutter.



Anyway, we have a Harry Potter cupboard and then a massive room behind the stairs, that I put Bazooka in.

Becky followed me and whistled, which made her dogs, Max, Holly and Marie chase her. We had set up the room to have different sections for all the animals; there were birds cages, little rodent cages, a hermit crab tank, a fish pond outside, kennels, scratching posts, dog and cat beds, feeding bowls, and so much more.

I had just locked Bazooka in when something hit me in the back and I fell down. Turning around, I saw the Oreo stealing dog wagging his tail.

“Hello there,” I said.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! Scout, bad dog,” Chloey said, trying not to laugh.

“It’s fine,” I said, laughing. “Shoot!”

The cookies were still in the oven, so the dog and I raced to the kitchen and I got them out. They were perfectly cooked, thankfully. I put them onto cooling racks and went to find the others.


Natalie’s POV:

“Hey Jake,” I said to Sophie’s cousin. He waved and then called, “Chloey?”

“In here, I’m coming,” a female responded. A pregnant person  walked out and I waved.

“That must be your junk out there,” I said.

“Yeah, we’re moving in,” Romy added, walking through the front door.

Chloey gasped. “Honey… I don’t feel so good.”

HAHA CLIFFHANGER!! I hope you enjoy! Remember to comment and tell me what you think is happening (unless you know because I've told you!)

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