Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

A/N: Imi, you asked for it, so I delivered.

The Next Day

Imi’s POV

I went into the kitchen and checked the roster. Yes, we have a roster – it’s a chores roster. Everyone has one or two jobs – there were ten in total. I guess now we could reconfigure it so everyone had one job except Chloey, and somebody had two.

But anyway, I checked what was left of the roster. It was half ripped, and looked like Scout or another dog had chewed it.

Washing up…. Meg

Drying up…. Becky

Sweeping/Vacuuming – Kitchen/Dining…. Beth

Mopping – Kitchen/Dining…. Gabbie

Bathrooms…. Imi

Sweeping/Vacuuming – Living Room/Pets…. Bec

Feeding/Cleaning pets…  Grace

Bedrooms…. All

Pets… all

Cooking…. All

Cleaning – kitchen… Becky

Cleaning – living/dining…. Meg

Cleaning – hallways/corridors/stairs… Sophie



Glancing around, I saw that practically nobody had done their chores.

“FAMILY MEETING, NOW!” I yelled. I went to the stairs and yelled it again, repeatedly until eight girls ran into the living room, and Chloey nearly fell down the stairs.

“Shoot,” Meg and Becky said, grabbing her. “Slow down!”

“Everybody sit down, and wait,” I said. I quickly printed another copy of the roster, and carried it in.

“What is this?”

“Roster,” Meg replied confidently. “Duh.”

Well that angered me. Don’t even mention the fact that I’m hormonal because I know that’s why I went nuts.

I stood up and jumped on the couch.

DON’T YOU ‘DUH’ ME MEG JEWEL! YOU WANT ‘DUH’? NOT ONE OF YOU EXCEPT FOR ONE OR TWO HAVE DONE YOUR CHORES!!! NOT ONLY THIS WEEK BUT LAST WEEK TOO, AND SOME OF YOU – NAMING NO NAMES, MEG– HAVE BEEN LAZY FOR AGES! We agreed we’d be working together because it’s too big for one person and YOU ALL LIED except for one or two of you!”

“Wow, calm down,” Becky, Grace, Meg, Chloey and Gabbie all said. “JINX!”

“Do not tell me to calm down!”

“QUESTION!” Becky yelled.


“Why is Chloey here?”

I took a deep breath. “Because she lives here now. And as such she is part of our family. And she’s not in trouble but – actually, Chlo, you can go if you want.”

She shook her head. “I’m right.”

“Okay. ANYWAY! The kitchen’s a mess, the living room is totally disgusting, I can’t even remember the colour of the carpet on the stairs,” I began.

“One – calm down. Two – it’s not that bad! Three – we’re all in here and it’s not disgusting stop exaggerating. Four – white,” Bec rattled off. “Did I say calm down?”

I stepped onto the table and then stepped off so I didn’t break my neck. “Next person to tell me to ‘calm down’ is going to get slapped, am I making myself clear?” They nodded, silenced – I’m not usually very violent – and I began to yell when I realised somebody was missing.

“Wait… where’s Jake?”

“Shopping,” Becky replied. “I told him to.”

“Right.” I resumed yelling.

“Dishes from three days ago! Dust everywhere! Food on the ground! Bathroom’s gross!”

“Woah, calm down and get off of the armchair,” Jake said, walking on from the door next to me.

Oh how glad I was that it was him to tell me to calm down. I turned to him and fake smiled.

“What did you tell me to do?”

“Calm. Down. What?” Jake looked at the girls who were all gesturing at him.

I jumped down next to him. “So you told me to calm down, correct?” The girls put their heads in their hands.

I brought my hand back, and smacked it onto Jake’s face with a satisfying noise.



SHUT UP!” Gabbie said.

Gabbie’s POV:

I knew it was going to escalate, and I knew that we didn’t need to hear it because it was between Imi and Jake.

“Shut up,” I repeated, more quietly. Everybody was looking at me. “You guys need to sort it out, whatever the fuck it is that your problems are, and we don’t need to hear it.” I was hugging Becky, who was nearly crying. “Everybody get into either the gold or the blue car and we’ll go to Max Brenner. You two stay here and text me when you’re sorted, or else we’ll be back in an hour or two. Yes?”

They all nodded, and I stood up, grabbing Becky’s hand. “When we leave, you will sort it out.”

I hopped into the driver’s seat of the blue car, with Becky in the passenger seat and Meg, Sophie and Grace in the back; Romy, Chloey, Bec and Beth went in the gold one.

We left Imi and Jake to sort it out, and we had chocolate.

A/N: YAY NOW YOU GET TO SEE WHY JAKE AND IMI ARE FIGHTING! Vote, comment, all that jazz.

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